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DMS 107 Grading Rubric: Montage Eisenstein October 1928 Film

Essay Instructions:

In Film Form, Eisenstein writes, “Cinema is, first and foremost, montage.” He describes montage as conflict and collision “that gives rise to an idea.” Using this week's reading, consider Eisenstein's theory of montage and choose one scene from October (1927) to analyze. Explain how this scene typifies Eisenstein's theory. In other words, explain how the collision of shots in the scene “gives rise to an idea.”

Please write according to the score standard, otherwise I may not have the grade. The scoring standard has been uploaded.Reading that needs to be referenced has also been uploaded.

DMS 107 Grading Rubric:Please be advised that your discussion posts will be graded on the following criteria:(2 pts., 5 pts. for final) Understanding of the readings and notes: The post responds to theprompt. The post shows that the author has synthesized the readings and notes and incorporatedthem into the response. When sources are required, the paper uses them effectively and ethically.(2 pts., 5 pts. for final) Engagement with the films: The post shows in-depth analysis andresponds fluently and creatively to the weekly films by providing specific examples to supportthe author’s stance.(1 pt., 2 pts. for final) Proper use of film terms: The post uses terminology appropriate to film,such as long shot, mise-en-scène, and parallel editing. Additionally, the post refers to charactersand places by name and names directors, actors, and film release years when necessary.(1 pt., 2 pts. for final) Organization and elegance of expression: The response has an overallpoint to make and sentences stay on topic. Paragraphs stay on topic. In other words, the responseis focused. Also, it shows creativity of expression. Sentence structure varies within paragraphs toachieve various effects. The prose contributes to the persuasive appeals of the post. The writingseems natural and thoughts appear to flow into each other.(1 pt., 2 pts. for final) Following the conventions of edited written English: The response usesproper vocabulary, sentence structure, and additional conventions of edited written English (suchas verb forms and tenses, correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling). There are few to zerogrammatical errors that get in the way of the author’s purpose or the reader’s understanding. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Montage in Eisenstein October 1928 Film
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Montage in Eisenstein October 1928 Film
Eisenstein’s October 1928 film was commissioned to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution which took place in the 1917. Eisenstein uses montage which he describes as conflict and collision which give rise to an idea. Indeed, in act one montage plays a great role in bringing out the idea of a revolutionary leadership. He sets up a thesis, the antithesis and then resolves the conflict with a synthesis which becomes a thesis for the next act.
In act one the film starts with a statue of Alexander III and a large crowd gathering around the statue breaking it down (thesis). The statue presents the old order with a crowned head scepter and the director takes a longer shot from a low angle to make bigger and give a feeling of power. The public struggle to bring down the statue with a crowd of army watching from far. The army has been brought in to protect the interest of those in power (antithesis). They approach the crowd with hesitation as there...
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