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Examples of Powerless Language

Essay Instructions:

Powerful/Powerless Language
Chapter 4
Activity: Powerful Speech and Polite Speech
Increase your ability to achieve an optimal balance between powerful speech and polite speech by rehearsing one of the following scenarios:
Describing your qualifications to a potential employer for a job that interests you.
Requesting an extension on a deadline from one of your professors.
Explaining to a merchant why you want a cash refund on an unsatisfactory piece of merchandise when the store's policy is to issue credit vouchers.
Asking your boss for three days off so you can attend a friend's out-of-town wedding.
Approaching your neighbors whose dog barks while they are away from home.
Your statement should gain its power by avoiding the types of powerless language listed in Table 4–1 in the text. You should not become abusive or threatening, and your statement should be completely honest. Choose three out of the five scenarios.

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Your Name
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Submission Date
1 Request For Deadline Extension
Hello Professor! How are you? I kindly request for your indulgence with regards to deadline extension. May i state that I acknowledge the academic policy on deadline deviation and the subsequent consequences. Moreover, I appreciate my lack of entitlement to deadline extension as the university policy is categorical that the instructor’s decision is final. However, my case is exceptional. My deadline extension requested is not as a result of procrastination. Not at all. In fact, as you may be aware, I am always among the top 10 students when it comes to assignment submission. I always do this to avoid the last minute rush that often leads to low quality work. Today is not any different. Indeed i completed my assignment a week before the deadline and had it saved on my USB stick. However today while I was trying to retrieve the assignment, the USB accidentally dropped and malfunctioned. My effort to restore it and recover my documents has been futile. I kindly request that you treat my case as exceptional and allow me 2 days of deadline extension so I can redo my assignment. Your leniency on this issue will be highly appreciated.
2 Request For Three Days-Off To Attend A Friend's Out-of-Town Wedding.
Hello Sir. I am well, and you? Kindly give me a minute of your time. I have a very good friend whom...
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