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Summary of the Position and Assumptions of Girls Inc. on Abortion

Essay Instructions:

The skills you have been practicing throughout the course will be assessed in this paper and conclude with you constructing your own argument on a position. Your argument can be a contradiction, a support, or an alteration of the argument you’ve research. Whichever you choose should be sufficiently supported with materials covered throughout the course and your own outside research.

This assignment should continue with the social issue research conducted in Topic 2

In 1,000-1,500 words

Summarize the position/argument researched and assess it for validity. This positions/argument should be presented in a clear logical form. This includes translating their rhetoric into: premises and a conclusion, identifying the category of propositions, and the quality and the quantity of the parts.

Identify the assumptions of the position by drawing inferences from its communicated proposition to its position regarding human dignity.

Construct a valid and sound argument that contradicts, challenges, or improves the position of the organization.

At least three academic peer-reviewed sources are required for this paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Subject Date Professor
Social Issue Analysis and Response (Abortion)
Summary of the position
The core position of Girls Inc. is the support towards abortion and the justification towards its relevancy. According provided by Girls Inc.’ stand, abortion plays a critical role in enhancing medical processes (Girls Inc.). It is noted that only few cases of complexities or risks can be retrieved from medical abortion. However, the risks play a minimal role in jeopardizing the lady's wellbeing. Furthermore, the position is that it has no impact on the capability of becoming pregnant. A critical position that the organization also takes is that abortion plays a crucial role in limiting forceful pregnancies, especially those retrieved from various actions such as rape. The position is valid due to the emotional impact that such a victim is likely to undergo when raising a child obtained through rape.
Additionally, the position of the abortion as provided by Girls Inc. can be identified to be associated with deformity that a child may be exposed to. It is argued that there are some instances where putting the unborn baby to death would contribute to reduced deformation, which may be experienced to the mother or kid (Girls Inc.). Critically, the deformity may be linked to psychological or physiological effects. Such a proposition by Girl Inc. tends to be valid when considering the negative impacts that unborn kids would contribute to living mothers. Therefore, it is valid to take the kid's life but save that of the mother. Additionally, the deformity may also be linked to poverty. It is believed that exposing the child to poverty is detrimental other than having their lives terminated. Therefore, the propositions of the organization tend to be valid and justifiable but only in a scenario where the repercussion would be minimal in taking a child's life.
Based on the Girls Inc. propositions, there are critical assumptions imposed in correlation to human dignity. Critically, the first assumption is that the life of a live mother is vital than that of an unborn kid. This is evident from the position that a kid with deformity may cause deformation to the mother, such as emotional distress. Therefore, this is an assumption that adversely impacts human dignity.
Furthermore, there is also a significant assumption regarding the unwanted child. It is assumed that whenever the child is undesirable, then there is no need for them to be born. Such assumption can be identified to mean two critical aspects. It means that a child's life is determined by the mother's decision, which is an essential aspect impacting human dignity. The assumption is also detrimental to human dignity since it is not based on any valid presumption. Additionally, the last assumption involves baby deformity. It is assumed that the deformed baby is likely to impact the life of the mother. According to Girls Inc., the deformed unborn child should be exterminated to ensure that the lives of the living mothers are not jeopardized (Girls Inc.). Therefore, critically analyzing such an assumption, it is essential to note that it impacts human dignity by endangering the life of one individual over the other. It is a way of prioritizing other's lives.
Argument contradicting the position of Girl Inc. over abortion
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