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Mass Media Meaning and Effect on Audiences

Essay Instructions:

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Wk 2 - Business Memo: Mass Media and Audiences 

Top of Form

Prepare a 700- to 950-word memo describing mass media and audiences. Access the Center for Writing Excellence link below and, from there, visit the Tutorials and Guides page to view a sample business memo. 

Describe what is meant by mass media and how mass media affects audiences.

 Summarize each of the following five states of mass media development: 

  • Innovation
  • Penetration
  • Peak
  • Decline
  • Adaptation 

Select one advertisement geared specifically toward children.

Briefly describe the ad, then address the following in your business memo:

  • What does the ad attempt to encourage children to do?
  • Why are children considered to be a special audience when it comes to mass media and advertising?
  • List one area of development in children that makes them more susceptible to harm from advertisements.
  • Does the ad you selected have the potential to harm children? In what way?   
  • What role does media literacy play in helping to protect children from negative media influences?
  • In your opinion, is society doing enough to safeguard children from exposure to potentially harmful media? Explain your response.

In addition to the ad you select, include at least two peer-reviewed articles pertaining to stages of mass media development or media and children.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Memo: Mass Media and Audiences
Student’s Name
Professor’s name
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Course Tittle
SUBJECT: Mass Media and Audiences
Mass Media Meaning and Effect on Audiences
Mass media refers to a wide range of media technologies that can deliver communication to large audiences. According to Potter (2016), while there are harmful effects that people are exposed to as a result of mass media messages, there is also a great potential for positive effects. In this sense, mass media has significant effects on audiences. The effects of media on audiences can be immediate or long-term; can be harmful, neutral, or positive; and can also be intended or intended (Potter, 2016).
There are different types of effects associated with mass media. While most mass media concerns revolve around the behavior of the audience members, cognitive, emotional, attitudinal, belief, and psychological effects are also experienced by them (Potter, 2016). The behavioral-type effect occurs when media trigger actions among the audience; for example when a person views an ad and goes ahead to purchase the related product. The cognitive-type effect happens when the media plants ideas and information into the minds of the audience. The emotional-type effect occurs when media triggers people's emotions such as lust, rage, and fear. In a study by Durkin et al. (2018), it was found that emotive anti-tobacco ads, especially those eliciting fear, were effective in increasing quitting. The attitudinal effect happens when media impact how people judge things by comparing them with the standards they hold. Belief-effect occurs when mass media shapes important beliefs on essential things like success, relationships, and attractiveness (Potter, 2016). Finally, the psychological-type effect occurs when media affect people’s automatic bodily systems, and they usually are beyond one's conscious control. It is thus deducible that mass media influences most if not all aspects of our lives. It underpins the importance of media literacy.
States of Mass Media Development
The innovation stage, also known as birth, is characterized by a technological innovation that initiates a transmission channel. As noted by Potter (2016), technological innovation alone is not enough to create mass media; there also needs to be a marketing innovation that can satisfy a need and attract audiences. Entrepreneurial ability is thus essential in this stage.
The next stage is the penetration stage, where the new mass media channel has to appeal to many people if it has to be successful. The new media can satisfy better a need that is already being satisfied by the already existing channel. The growth of the media channel is influenced by the need and desire of the media by members of the public, regulatory constraints, economic demands of owners, and additional innovation by competitors (Potter, 2016).
The third stage is the peak phase, where the medium gets the most attention from the public, and ...
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