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Web Search Engines Communications & Media Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Write a short hypertextual, multimedia essay, based on a topic from weeks 1-9 and publish it to the class Wordpress blog. Include relevant supporting images, embedded links, social media content, and where relevant audio and/or video. Where possible you will use Creative Commons sourced images.

The set questions are:

1.Choose one of the internet innovations you have studied in the first 9 weeks of semester, for example search engines, social news sharing, cloud computing, automated content moderation, Creative Commons licensing, or augmented/mixed reality.

Give a critical account of its genesis and how it is part how is it part of historical trends in communications media or information management. Who owns and controls the key business in this field? Who benefits from its transformative effects in political economic, social and/or cultural terms, and who does not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Web Search Engines
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Submission Date Web Search Engines
Over the years, communication has undergone various improvements from the ancient forms to the most sophisticated and advanced means in contemporary times. Communicating during ancient times was challenging because the methods were never efficient. People had to meet to pass on some information. The dawn of internet technology, however, changed the situation. People started interacting in various ways. Ancient research was done by visiting older people who had more experiences and asking them about the particular question (Crowley & Heyer, 2015). The gradual development of the internet search engine changed the situation. It is now possible to ask the "internet" a question and get answers because of search engines.
A web search engine is a software designed to perform web searches following a structured question that the software can read and interpret (Brьgger, 2016). Halavais (2017) explains how the web is a store for human knowledge that benefits humanity. The software sources information in texts, images, audio, and video files from the vast database network in the Worldwide Network and suggests links for full details to a person. It is a fantastic technology the world has embraced without stopping to think of where it started, how it began, and its effects in the world of communication. Therefore, this essay explores the genesis of search engines' innovation and its contribution to communication media and search engines' beneficiaries. I will also explore how innovation has affected my studies and the problems it presents to me.
The Genesis of Innovation of Search Engines
The ease of fetching information from anywhere in the globe necessitated the innovation of web search engines. Vannevar Bush developed the thought of developing search engines in 1945 after World War II (Wall, 2017). He emphasized...
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