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Communications & Media Essay: Cyber Security and Digital Transformation

Essay Instructions:

Read the(3)documents on CyberSecurity and (3) on ATT Digital Transformation and best practices . Search for three to five additional articles on cybersecurity and differentiate which sector is the focal point. Formulate 3 questions on both topics.that have no easy answers, and ones that can be interpreted through various perspectives.

Compare, contrast, and look for connections between articles.

Think about the broader issues that the author's arguments point to. What are the broader implications?

Look for connections between theoretical pieces assigned and concrete actions that can be taken to put them in practice.

Consider connections to current event issues.

Explain your basis for each question.

Include in your discussion at least five in-text citations and correspondingly five references. In your write up tell us where and how you did the search and what search terms you used. In your in-text citation, provide a hyperlink to the source you found.

Use APA 6th or 7th Edition for your citing. Narrow down your articles by date not more than 2 years old.

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Cyber Security and Digital Transformation
Technological advancements continue to change and influence the everyday life of the people in the community. There are a lot of advantages to the digital world and its transformation, truly increasing the efficiency of work and business at various levels, but there are also risks when it comes to the security of the information that is all made available in the cyber world. This paper aims to discuss digital transformation and cyber security, in relation to different businesses and the workforce.
* How does digital transformation affect the business culture and organization process?
* What are the considerations needed to cultivate a healthy modern relationship and engagement in business and organization?
* How can the quality of work and the workforce be monitored during digital transformation age?
* What are the possible changes and challenges with cyber network after COVID-19 pandemic?
* How can the privacy of people be protected in the cyber/digital world?
* What are the possible actions of the government and law in cyber security?
The articles all emphasize the advantages that the digital transformation bring to the consumers and to the different organizations involved in the digitalization. The automation of the processes led to changes in the culture, creating a new era of the digital workforce. It is also considered that these changes are needed to expand business nowadays and to help retain modern skills and talent in the organization (Tagarev, 2019). But there are differences when it comes to the prioritization of focus when dealing with cyber security.
There are concerns with the advancements of technology that may jeopardize data security that is why there is a need to improve on the defense laws and legal aspects of the matter. In addition to this, it is important to identify possible problems and weaknesses in the system that will help formulate better defense systems for the AI era (Ohkubo, 2019). Cyberspace needs to adjust in terms of communication, workforce hiring and retention, business expansion, safety cyberspace protocols and procedure, and operational efficiency to function in the digital world.
The questions are related to the trend of increased modernization and digitalization that requires organizations to shift towards a more automated and virtual world. The relevance of the questions is applicable especially nowadays when there is already a need to move into a digital world. Although...
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