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Communications & Media
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Communications & Media Essay Research Coursework

Essay Instructions:

(1)  Lee provides an explication of the concept of "presence", in which he offers a typology of three different types of presence. What are they? How do these types of virtual experience differ? 

(2)  Turner suggests that the way we interact with new media technologies, particularly virtual reality, may pose a threat to democracy. What does he mean by this? Do you share his concern?

(3)  As VR continues to develop, a number of potential mainstream uses have been suggested. Which of the following would you personally be interested in trying in VR? Why or why not?(at lease choose 3)

Consuming existing media in a more immersive fashion (e.g., watch a movie, play a video game)

Attending a large event (e.g., concert, sporting event, live theater, award show)

Relaxing on a virtual beach or other scenic vista

Teleconferencing (like Zoom or FaceTime, but with full-body, 3D interactions)

Other (propose a use of your own)

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Lee Provides an Explication of The Concept Of "Presence", In Which He Offers A Typology of Three Different Types of Presence. What Are They? How Do These Types of Virtual Experience Differ? 
Telepresence, mediated presence, and virtual presence (Lee, 2004). Telepresence is a term that emphasizes the likelihood that human operators can feel that they are being moved to an isolated workspace through teleoperating systems. Mediated presence is a term used to confine the idea of presence within the boundaries of mediated perception. Virtual presence is a term used to refer to a presence created by virtual technologies. The three types of virtual experience differ in that virtual presence is a feeling of being in a simulated environment. At the same time, telepresence involves the physical transportation of people through teleoperation systems (Lee, 2004). However, mediated presence does not differ from telepresence or virtual presence because they all involve mediated perceptions.
Turner Suggests That the Way We Interact with New Media Technologies, Particularly Virtual Reality, May Pose A Threat to Democracy. What Does He Mea...
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