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Influencer Marketing on Social Media

Essay Instructions:

For this project, you will design an experiment or survey method(choose one) for the media-related topic I specified in Paper 1.(See attached 777-paper1-literature review)

Please remember, you are designing this for qualitative research.

Topic:Influencer Marketing on Social Media

Please read "EM777_Paper2_b1" for my formal research question, 3 hypotheses, and guideline for this project.

I have explained each hypothesis and the formal research question. You need to design an experiment or survey to help test these hypotheses and the formal research question.

We need:(you can see these in the document I attached "EM777_Paper2_b1", please follow these guiding questions one by one, if you are confused about any definition of terms, please see"777 study guide" or let me know)

1. Introductory Paragraph

2.Participants: First, specify your sampling frame. Then, detail the recruitment of participants and your (approximate) sample size. Please provide a rationale for these decisions. Do you anticipate any issues with data collection or recruitment?

2.Procedure: This section specifically addresses what the participants went through during participation. Discuss the distribution of your survey or experimental procedure: How did you obtain informed consent? Did you have to employ any screener questions? If so, how did you distribute or apply them? If you are designing an experiment, this is where you should include your different conditions and how you manipulated your stimuli. How did you select participants for each condition? If you are designing a survey, what medium did you use? Consider the pros and cons to explain why?

3.Independent Variables (or predictor variables): Provide each independent variable and its operational definition(tell you how to measure it, for example: The operational definition of “earning an A in this course” might be “correctly answering at least 90 percent of the finial exam questions.”). Please include any materials as appendices and label them alphabetically as you go (e.g., list of items and their responses in a scale). Make sure to address how the variable will be quantified. Also include what level of measurement(Interval, ratio, nominal,ordinal level)it is. If you, personally, are designing the measure, provide an explanation of why your operationalization of the variable makes sense. Make sure to consider where factors should go (this section or Procedures) in a factorial experimental design.

4.Dependent Variables (or predicted variables): See Independent Variables above.

5.Control Variables: See Independent Variables above.

6. Limitations section

I also attached some resources used for paper 1, however I guess you will not need that, just in case.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
Date of Submission
Social media influencers raise awareness by posting on their Instagram or Facebook stories and feeds. Some influencers have taken this kind of marketing as a full-time career. They also improve buying decisions with unbiased or biased opinions. The significance of this topic can be evaluated through an online survey. This topic is essential because it offers different ways to make money from social media platforms (Zarrella, 2009).
Based on these factors, the researcher hypothesizes the following: 1) A more intuitive (visual driven) platform can help influencers to establish a close relationship with a massive social media audience.; 2) The more active KOL is on social media, the higher popularity he/she will be.; 3) High frequency of advertised/sponsored feeds/posts will reduce credibility with the audience (arouse the audience’s disgust).
With these hypotheses, the researcher formulated the research question, “How does using different platforms, KOL activity (posting/interacting frequency), sponsored advertising frequency effect social media influencers’ popularity?”
This is a qualitative analysis of the frequency, KOL activities, and visual-driven platforms on the social media audience using an online survey under a case study. A survey is typically done when a researcher investigates a topic at present, and this paper aims to evaluate the said factors during this time. The online survey will be written in English and Chinese since they are the most common languages worldwide.
Sampling Frame
The participants are Facebook users in the selected areas of the United States. According to the Internet World Stats (2019), the U.S. is the third country with the most significant number of internet users. There are approximately 223-million (87% of the U.S. population) social media users in the U.S., most of whom primarily visit Facebook. (Clement, 2020). Thus, the U.S. is an excellent choice for this study.
Sample Size
The sample size should be around 384. This is computed based on the January 2020 population of 330, 222 422 of the U.S., and the January 2020 number of social media users at approximately 223 000, 000. The computation is also based on a confidence level of 95% and a confidence interval of 5%.
Sampling method
The study will use probability, cluster sampling. This allows the researcher to select an internally heterogeneous set of people despite having a mutually homogeneous nature.
Since the study will use a non-probability sampling method, the study is quite biased, and the sample may not represent the whole population. Additionally, online surveys have attrition or drop-out rates (Hochheimer et al., 2016).
Medium and Distribution
This is an online survey that is primarily based on the availability and willingness of the participants. Hence, it is best to use online forms for uniformity and easy accessibility. The central system is the Boston University Survey System. The WeChat survey form, SONA system, GOOGLE forms, and Facebook or Instagram survey post will be secondary.
Informed Consent [see Appendix A]
The informed consent will be signed using an electronic signature through e-mail or using a google form where the procedures, parameters, dissemination of...
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