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Media Essay: Using social media sites to spread disinformation

Essay Instructions:

Possible argument: Though freedom of speech is crucial in a democratic society, the case of using social media to spread misinformation about vaccination is a reminder that we need to evaluate accurate information when we are on the Internet. 


1.1 Social media as a place where people find information

1.2 The freedom of speech means that information on SNS is not always accurate. 

1.2 Facebook group and information sharing

1.3 Thesis: Though freedom of speech is crucial in a democratic society, the case of using social media to spread misinformation about vaccination is a reminder that we need to evaluate accurate information when we are on the Internet.  

Body paragraphs 

2.1 The popularity of anti-vaccine sites on social media

2.2 Problems with the SNS sites in spreading misinformation regarding health issues 

2.3 Lack of oversight, information bias, discrediting medical experts 

2.4 Examples of anti-vaccine social media posts

2.5 This example serves as a reminder that we need to evaluate sources when we read content on the Internet and SNS. 


Restating the thesis 

Possible sources (sources should be peer-reviewed or fall within the gray circle in this picture: CLICK ME. 

Reliable medical journal: https://www(dot)thelancet(dot)com/journals/landig/article/PIIS2589-7500(19)30136-0/fulltext 

BBC: https://www(dot)bbc(dot)com/news/technology-54001894

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Using Social Media Sites to Spread Disinformation
Social media are computer-based applications like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, IMO, linked in, and YouTube that help people share ideas, resources, and information. Social media is an evolving web-based platform, with over 3 billion active users, most of them being young. As of the year 2020, the leading social media platform is Instagram, followed by YouTube and Facebook ("Most used social media 2020 | Statista", 2020). Platforms such as Facebook have helped the health sector share information about the prevailing COVID 19 conditions and give measures so peopled can be informed.
Social networking sites, SNS is an online-based platform where people build social networks with people who share similar personal interests, activities, backgrounds, and career interests. They allow people to share ideas and information within their networks. With the expanding growth of technology, SNSs have become very popular among millions of people worldwide. People often use networking sites to seek information on various sensitive topics such as health since it offers them a sense of privacy. One does not have to disclose personal information to gain health-related information. Although SNSs are very useful in obtaining useful information, many users often misuse speech freedom by thinking that they can say and post whatever they want without repercussions (Dunn, 2018). This leads to users of these sites spreading misinformation without considering its authenticity hence leading to fake news.
Facebook groups are created purposely for people with common interests (Burki, 2019). They can be private or public and always has a moderator with different reasons for forming the group. There has been a rise of misinformation spread through Facebook groups. Ideally, moderators are placed purposely to control the information posted and build trust amongst users. Over time, people have been misusing the groups by spreading hate and false information, which changes the group's purpose. People can share incorrect information for selfish gains and solicit money from group members. Links can be posted in groups can lead to access to dangerous and unsafe sites. Most people spread hate and false information using Facebook groups since it reaches many people as news feeds, and they know that it is hard for authorities to catch them. Though freedom of speech is crucial in a democratic society, the case of using social media to spread misinformation about vaccination is a reminder that we need to evaluate accurate information when we are on the internet.
The popularity of anti-vaccine sites on social media
Anti-vaccine sites have continued to gain popularity on social media, especially Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Its genesis dates back to the pre-social media era. In the 18th century, Reverend Edmund Massey, in England, in his 1772 sermons referred to vaccines as diabolical operations (Madrigal, 2019). According to Rev Edmund, vaccinations attempt to oppose the ultimate punishment of sin from God. In Kenya, Africa, The Star, a popular newspaper, reported on 04 August 2015 that the Catholic was against a planned polio vaccine (The Star, 2020). Led by Nairobi Catholic Archbishop John Njue, the Catholic faith urged the people to boycott the vaccine because it was not safe for the children, despite being from an in international health body the WHO and UNICEF. Besides theologists, other people oppose it for political and legal reasons. Anti-vaccine's climax was in the 19th century when England made it mandatory for children to receive vaccinations (Madrigal, 2019). This led to the formation of the anti-vaccination movement.
The development of social media has since magnified the anti-vaccine movements. People against vaccinations use social media like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram to spread their opposition to the vaccination. Facebook has pages that reach hundreds of thousands at a go, the same with Insta Stories on Instagram. These social media sites have become the central points where anti-vaccine rhetoric secure online platforms to spread their gospel. Their campaigns have gained fame owing to the global impact of social media. News escalates within seconds to every corner of the universe through the internet. Where the information contains an anti-vaccination message, it reaches millions of people globally. Amazingly, negative and opposing information spreads very fast on social media. This further popularizes the anti-vaccination claims as people want to know the stand of those against it.
Facebook has a feature where people can create pages or groups, an...
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