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Communications & Media
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Sex, Lies and Media (Analysis) 3

Essay Instructions:
Assignment : Choose one example of a piece of mass media. This can be a TV show, commercial, film or book. Discuss the example by relating the concepts in the reading from the text, Sex, Love, and Romance in the Mass Media by Galician, Mary-Lou. Choose at least two concepts from the reading to analyze relative to the text. 1. Choose a clip or section of the example to relate directly to concept one. After you have related your example to the text, discuss whether you agree or disagree with the concept the text presents relative to your example. Base this on your informed opinion, that is, based on the reading. 2. Choose a different clip or section of the example to relate directly to concept two. After you have related your example to the text, discuss whether you agree or disagree with the concept the text presents relative to your example. Base this on your informed opinion, that is, based on the reading. Text: Sex, Love, and Romance in the Mass Media by Galician, Mary-Lou
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Sex, lies and media The mass media influences people’s perceptions on love and relationships through reinforcing ideas and stereotypes. According to Galician (54) the media’s portrayal is in most cases wrong, but sadly this affects people as they seem to believe that what is portrayed is the reality. What is depicted is mostly aimed at entertainment and for advertising purposes which then influences people’s expectations on relationships through myths and stereotypes. The press typically appeals to the human nature of seeking love, but the myths stills persist even when in reality what is portrayed remains illusive in the real world. This paper looks into the portrayal of romance in the film Titanic, in view of Galician’s writing on sex, love and romance in the mass media. Galician (56) explores the false love syndrome proposed by Katz & Liu, where the authors state that in the state of false love the illusion of love is so powerful to the extent that people involved have an unrealistic expectation of what love ought to be. Furthermore, the false love gives a wrong impression to the lovers as it is not lasting and this is typically shown in the mass media through romantic and love stories. In the movie Titanic, there is depiction of the false love syndrome between Jack and Rose aboard the ship. To begin with Rose was betrothed to Cal a richer fiancé whom she did not like, but upon meeting Jack they instantly fall in love (Cameron). Thus, the film portrayal of love and romance is a creation of the film’s director as love at first love is a myth. People typically interact over a period of time rather than simply meet and fall in love instantly. The romance between the two characters receives massive airplay in the film, with details of the tragic not being in the forefront. In addition, Jack and Rose are intensely...
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