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Sex, Lies and Media (Analysis) 4

Essay Instructions:
Assignment : Choose one example of a piece of mass media. This can be a TV show, commercial, film or book. Discuss the example by relating the concepts in the reading from the text, Sex, Love, and Romance in the Mass Media by Galician, Mary-Lou. Choose at least two concepts from the reading to analyze relative to the text. 1. Choose a clip or section of the example to relate directly to concept one. After you have related your example to the text, discuss whether you agree or disagree with the concept the text presents relative to your example. Base this on your informed opinion, that is, based on the reading. 2. Choose a different clip or section of the example to relate directly to concept two. After you have related your example to the text, discuss whether you agree or disagree with the concept the text presents relative to your example. Base this on your informed opinion, that is, based on the reading. 1 page for each example. Text: Sex, Love, and Romance in the Mass Media by Galician, Mary-Lou
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Sex lies and media -analysis 4 Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Sex lies and media -analysis 4 In the mass media, particularly in television and film industry there is acknowledgement that sex can create attention among viewers. Romantic love in popular media is learned as romance and love are culturally constructed, with popular media acting as the main source of instruction on love, sex and marriage (Wherry 1). The depiction of sex, love and romance in popular culture and written media shows a bias towards love that shoes a happy ending for those in love. In actuality people in a relationship may have many conflicts, even if they love each other. Thus, in most cases the depiction of relationships may fall to show the challenges that come about. The perception that people become ‘whole’ only when they meet their loved partner is a myth that the two individuals involved have the same devotion on love matters. The mass media also perpetuates the myth that perfect love is predestined for love to conquer all and that nothing can separate two lovers (Galician 55). In Brokeback Mountain, depiction of love does not follow the normal Hollywood pattern of love that transcends all obstacles for heterosexual couples. As the two main characters Ennis and Jack have a mutual attraction to each other and later go on to marry different women. According to Galician (64) unrealized expectations of love create problems in the love live of the individuals involved. Set in rural Wyoming, Brokeback Mountain depicts the passion that results when Ennis and Jack sheep herds men become romantically involved. After the men go there separate ways marriages suffer irreparably because of the unexpected expectations that they have on their marriage. Even though, both characters know that there forbidden love is likely to cause problems i...
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