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2 pages/≈550 words
Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Reflexivity Piece, Theorized (Communications & Media Essay)

Essay Instructions:

At this point in the course, we’ve overviewed the application of theory to creative work in week 4, and you’ve practiced that in Activity 3 - Theory Application. The challenge now is practice this on a more personal level, as you are applying theory that you’ve chosen to your own original work.

Using the Reflexivity Piece that you created in Activity 2, you will now take that piece and think about how it can evolve/change/transform/grow/etc. as you apply both theories that you identified in Activity 4.

Think bigger here! Consider how you may change media (i.e., if you worked on a physical object for the reflexivity piece, you may want to photograph it and alter that photograph through the lens of your theories instead of altering the original object). Remember that this should feel like a completed, fully-actualized piece unto itself.

To start, you may want to think about your reflexivity piece through the lens of one theory. Then, think of it through the lens of the second theory. Consider how you might combine both of these applications of theory to make a strong, theoretically-informed piece.

*A completed document (image, PDF, audio/movie file, etc.) that represents your Reflexivity Piece, Theorized.

A PDF or Google Doc that overviews your process in terms of evolving your original Reflexivity Piece through the lens of your theories. Ensure that you allude to how both theories manifest in the piece. The written piece should be approximately 1 page, or 500 words in length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflexivity Piece, Theorized
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Reflexivity Piece, Theorized
Change is the only constant aspect of life. Life experiences, relationships, memories, and age advancement dictates how our identity may change. However, a person can not be made up of a single identity (Jacobson & Mustafa, 2019). The various identities will evolve independently to fit the demands of the particular drivers of change. Some identities, however, do not change throughout our entire lives. My Asian descent, for example, defines my race, and that does not evolve. The race is permanent, and it is an identity that I have no control over. As depicted in the picture, the personality identity is me wearing sunglasses to show I am a non-discriminative person. My view of other people will grow beyond viewing people as equal. It will evolve from acceptance to respect. Respecting people's views stems from acknowledging that they are different and still coexist peacefully with them. My personality identity will evolve from viewing everybody as equal to living in harmony with people of diverse cultures and identities.
The crown on my head depicts my second personality identity. The crown represents my mental orientation. I have been shaped to depend on myself by the experience of staying away from home. Being on my own made me responsible as it taught me how to fend for myself. My identity will grow from being responsible to mentoring other people trying to be on their own. I will reach out to those struggling and help them be independent by offering financial help...
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