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2 pages/≈550 words
Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
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Media appraisal (Communications & Media Essay)

Essay Instructions:

Students are required to submit a critique on any major development or health-related event in any SSA country of their choice. This should be between 400 and 500 words and should be formatted as follows: Times New Roman, 12-point font, single-spaced. Essays will be graded based on how you contextualize the news and show its relevance to topical issues related to the course. As such, you’re encouraged to divide your response into two short paragraphs. The first paragraph (~150 words) should summarize the news, its source, author(s), and the date published. Please do not simply cut & paste. Note also that news items must be relatively current. The second and most salient paragraph (~350 words) should provide a critical commentary that places the news within the larger context of major themes in the class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Media Appraisal
Student’s name
Media Appraisal
The article Fragile hopes of peace in DRC’s conflict-scarred Ituri province by Aljazeera (2020) sheds some light on the sorry state in the northeastern region of DRC. The article reiterates the violence that is fueled by ethnic conflicts and the fight for natural resources that has ravaged the country for quite a remarkable period. Ethnic violence has led to the displacement of members of the community from their legitimate homes as well as loss of lives and livelihoods. The ethnic groups involved in the fights are the Lendu and Hema, with the Lendu overpowering their counterparts with its organized militia group dubbed Congo Development Cooperative (CODECO) [Aljazeera, 2020]. Despite the efforts by the reigning government to quell the violence through military action and even negotiation, peace in the Ituri province remains to be a concern, with a few of the internally displaced persons starting to trickle into their legitimate homes and normalcy resuming under heavy protection of the military.
Ethnic conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has been a common phenomenon since the pre-colonial period and even after independence. Although the ordeal of ethnic conflicts has been felt in almost every part of the world, SSA is the most recent continent to register dreadful cases of ethnic conflict. One major cause in the SSA region is inequality that is in existence in almost all aspects including education, governance, resource sharing (Alcorta et al., 2018). Poverty is another major driving force in ethnic conflict. The colonialist has to be blamed for the post-colonial era ethnic conflicts. The colonies established the administrative boundaries with the incentiv...
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