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Which Nonverbal Forms Are Broken?

Essay Instructions:

Nonverbal Norms: Your group will set out to break at least 3 nonverbal norms (example: standing the wrong way in an elevator, standing too close to someone, or any other nonverbal norm you wish to break). All group members, on their own, must break the same nonverbal norms. You will then compare and contrast each member’s experience breaking the same nonverbal norms. You will also answer these following questions. Draw on theories like the “Nonverbal Expectations Violations Theory” and the principles we discussed in class to jumpstart this project.

*****MY TOPIC IS: STAND DURING CLASS (kinesics body posture)

and below are some suggestions: 1. your classmate (who knows you) reaction 2. Classmate(who doesn’t know you) reaction 3.professor’s reaction

And answer these questions

1. Which nonverbal norms were broken?

2. What happened after each norm was broken?

3. How did you feel when you were breaking the norm?

a. What emotions did you experience?

4. How did the other person feel?

a. What emotions did you see them experience?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nonverbal Norms
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December 3, 2018
In our society, norms govern most of the actions that we do when we interact with other individuals. These norms are essential for maintaining the stability of society, community, or group and have always been affecting our actions whether consciously or unconsciously. In contrasts, the breaking of such norms could also create different feelings on the part of the receiver. Thus, in order to learn about this different perception, this study has tried to look at some nonverbal norms and how its commission affect the emotions and perception of those around. Specifically, the nonverbal norm committed in this study is “standing in class” when the professor is teaching. During it, the reactions of one’s teachers, classmates, and friend would be observed. The answers to the following questions are enumerated below.
1 Which nonverbal forms are broken?
In this experiment the nonverbal norm that is broken is the expectation that students would ‘sit’ when the teacher is teaching. On the one hand, this is created in order to let other students to be able to see the lecture. On the other hand, this also shows a si...
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