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Effectiveness Of BBC Film Adaptation Of Dickens Mystery Of Edwin Drood

Essay Instructions:

Topic: discuss the effectiveness of the BBC film adaptation of Dickens' Mystery of Edwin Drood

1. To develop the essay with a clear thesis, supporting evidence and an appropriate conclusion.

2. Use a few well-chosen direct quotes and refer to specific passages of the texts to support your essay's thesis.

3. Do not be general, get some specific and interesting ideas.

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Mystery of Edwin Drood
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Mystery of Edwin Drood
Charles Dickens has written different types of literary material in which most of them are based on enlightening the reader on various issues affecting their personal lives or the society in general. Dickens presents different relationships among people and how relationships among different people affect them CITATION Cha71 \l 1033 (Dickens, 1871). In his BBC film, Dickens shows how characters are involved in love relationships which later turn out to bring the differences among them CITATION JoM11 \l 1033 (Moulds, 2011). He portrays some characters with negative behavior s to show how society is rooted in immoral behaviors such as violence, murder, betrayal and how those in power use it to mistreat their subjects. Therefore, the BBC film is effective in the adaptation of Dickens mystery of Edwin Drood.
Dickens presents a rival between Jasper and Edwin. This rivalry is used to show the eels facing the community and how the leaders respond to these challenges. The film begins with Jasper who was in charge of a cathedral choir in an opium den. Jasper seems to be so much attracted to Rosa, just as his previous hallucination had indicated CITATION Dia12 \l 1033 (Lawrence, 2012). However, Rosa shows too much pride, something Jasper least expected. By presenting the relationship of these characters and their love affair, this film tries to enlighten the reader that things are not as they always seem to appear. Most people change their character due to certain circumstances which makes it difficult for us to understand them. In this film, Jasper was surprised by the character of Rosa because he loved her so much and did many other things for her to make sure that he kept their relationship going CITATION JoM11 \l 1033 (Moulds, 2011). However, Rosa did not take their relationship with much seriousness, something which hurt Jasper and made her develop a negative attitude towards her. This scene enlightens the reader that sometimes life can turn against one’s expectations. However, the desire to keep going and respond positively to negative situations is what keeps one going. For instance, If Jasper did not tolerate Rosa’s behavior; he would have ended his relationship with Rosa.
Neville’s attraction to Rosa and developing hatred to his lover Edwin is an indication that the society is full of betrayal. Many characters in the film betray each other. For example, Rosa betrays Edwin who is his lover and falls in love with Neville. These behaviors portray the character of many individuals in society who are not true to themselves and their friends. Also, Rosa gets in a fri...
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