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Major Ethical Principles Available to a Media Professional

Essay Instructions:

To be successful writing up the media ethics response journal, you need to participate regularly to class discussions and stay current with reading schedule. You also need to find ONE current news story published with reputable print media outlets within the US as your material for further critical analysis.
We define a “current news story” as a news story published no earlier than Jan 1st, 2016. If you wish to discuss a program released earlier than that, your journal must explain something “new” about this program, such as a newly published analysis, news report, etc that is related to this old program.
We define “reputable print media outlets” as media outlets usually with national circulation or influence. NY Times, Washington Post, Wall street Journal, USA Today, LA Times can be good examples. We do not consider magazine articles. We do not consider blog postings, even when they are published on a newspaper website.
Specifically, you are expected to discuss in your response paper the following:
1) What are the major ethical principles available to a media professional? Please use one or two sentences to briefly explain each of them.
2) Summary of the story
-describe the facts covered and background introduced;
-describe how the coverage has been balanced;
-describe any quotes, use of words, or otherwise interesting to reflect a unique tone distinctive to the story.
3) Identify the ethical principle that you will use in writing up this story if you were the journalist;
Adapt the perspective into the story and offer your critique on how the story has been validly written or can be otherwise improved.
Offer your suggestion and be specific about
-whether the story should increase/decreased or maintain facts covered;
-whether any use of words you mentioned in the story summary can be reworded or rearticulated.
4) Use the same ethical principle to articulate one or two considerations a responsible individual should bear in mind as a media content provider.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Question One: Ethical Principles Available to Media Professionals
The first principle is accuracy and truth. In journalisms, there is a need to ensure that te facts are right. Therefore, journalists should always strive for accuracy and counter check all facts before they report them (Goran & Karamarko, 2015). In this regard, they should always say when they cannot corroborate a story. Otherwise, the best they cannot is to avoid reporting a story when they are not certain of its truth and accuracy. Journalists should also strive for impartiality and fairness. Stories normally have two sides, and what the best journalists can do to have a balanced reporting that is based on context (García-Avilés, 2014). However, there is no obligation to represent both sides. What they need to present are the facts and the people reading will be able to choose the sides based on the facts they have been presented with. When they can report impartially, journalists will be able to gain confidence and trust. Finally, Journalists need to be accountable. When they make errors, they must be the first to own up and express regrets, and they must do so sincerely (Díaz-Campo & Segado-Boj, 2015). They must listen to the concerns of those people reading the articles. Whenever they are unfair, they must be prepared to provide the needed remedies.
Question Two: “Are Tattoos no Longer a Taboo?”
In the story, the author argues that people find different ways of expressing themselves. Further, the author notes that tattoos have gained popularity and are not just spotted by gang members. Tattoos are now used for symbols that people use value most. Perhaps to remember a loved one that has passed on or to show appreciation for the stars or the people they love. However, the author notes that parents are still skeptical about tattoos.
How the Coverage has been balanced
The author covers the initial perceptions in tattoos and shows how the perception has changed over the years. She brings a contrast to show the overall acceptance of tattoos by the youth today and how they derive meaning from it. She is keen to acknowledge that not all people have embraced tattoos. Specifically, she notes the concern from parents that believe that if their children have tattoos, they will be doubted by potential employers. Finally, she concludes by saying that while tattoos can be meaningful, the place they are placed determines the perception about the people spotting them.
The Use of Quotes
The author uses quotes to show the concern of parents when it comes to spotting tattoos. She notes that she has often heard certain parents ask: “Do you think an employer would approve of THAT?” or that “You know that is permanent, right?” From the above, it is clear that the parents are still concerned, and they believe that their children do not still understand the implications of spotting a tattoo. The author also quotes the line she used for her won tattoo as “May the sun shine warm upon your face.” This only serves to put a stress on the nature of the tattoo she put so that people can concentrate on drawing meaning from it. She did not just have a tattoo for the sake of it, but she did it ...
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