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Moral Panic New York Times in 1989

Essay Instructions:

•1. find (what you consider) an example of a “moral panic” media report related to drugs – i.e. crack in the 1980s.

•Find 2-3 news reports on that “moral panic”

•Write 1 half-2 page explaining your findings (how did the media report it? Who were the targeted community? or the outcomes of this "moral panic" years later).

•You need a bibliography (check a manual style – i.e. APA, Chicago, etc.)

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Moral Panic
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Moral Panic
In a newspaper article appearing on the New York Times in 1989, Sandra Blakeslee demonstrates the adverse effects of mothers using crack. The author cites the first follow-up studies of babies whose mothers use crack. These children have problems relating to the world, making friends and experiencing love from mothers as the primary care providers (Blakeslee, 1989). Additionally, another article by Besharov (1989) appearing on the Washington Post reinforces the same idea. The author indicates that mother addicted to drugs should not be allowed to care for their children.
Without help, the children of addicted mothers may be unable to have close human relationships and develop appropriately into adulthood (Blakeslee, 1989). The exposure to crack and cocaine has adverse effects on the emotional lives of these children. Some mothers who take these drugs believe that babies are protected from exposure to drugs while in the womb. These mothers believe that the placenta acts as a shield against harmful substances from the mother’s blood entering the baby’s. However, research demonstrates that the placenta acts as a sponge as opposed to a shield. Children whose mothers take drugs demonstrated poor performance (Blakeslee, 1989). The children appeared to have challenges in organizing their surroundings. They further score lower on the intelligence tests. Their ability to concentrate is diminished. These children prefer to play by themselves in unstructured environments. As a result, such children are likely to find the school environment unbearable and drop out.
The article targeted black mothers who were addicted to drugs in the 1980s. It aimed at causing the society to shun away from children whose mothers were addicts. The term “crack baby” used in the article stings. According to Newkirk (2017), the term “crack babies” brings to mind children who ar...
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