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Final Exam Analysis of Hyper-Newtonian Blockbusters

Essay Instructions:

For each question, I need at least 750 words.

MAKE SURE you READ the NOTE AND THE SAMPLE OF PAPER first and make sure you write based on sample paper. Also be careful that you have to talk about the movies that I give you in the list!

To Writer

This is the list that we have discussed in classroom, and this is what we can choose to write:

2001: A Space Odyssey

Jaws (1975)

Star Wars (1977)

Back to the Future (1985)

Robocop (1987)

Peter Pan (1953)

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1988)

Toy Story (1995)

Jurassic Park

The Matrix

Kill Bill, Vol. 1 (2013)

Into the Spiderverse (2018)

Question 1: Explicate this course’s critique of the hyper-Newtonian blockbuster and how it relates to both monetary and aesthetic abstraction. Define the terms “hyper-Newtonian phenomenology” and “abstraction” as we have characterized them in our course. Describe at least 3 key ways that the hyper-Newtonian aesthetics of post-1970s Hollywood differ from the aesthetics of screen action during the pre-1970s period. Be sure to discuss two specific examples from films we have discussed in class: one from a Hyper-Newtonian film and one from non-hyper-Newtonian film.

Question 2: Craft an argument that compares and contrasts how two hyper-Newtonian blockbusters use narrative to allegorize their own aesthetics in response to specific social problems within the broader history of neoliberalism. Your answer must: define what we mean by the “neoliberal era”; include two close formal analyses (one from each blockbuster you select); and link particular formal details to their broader historical contexts.

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Analysis of Hyper-Newtonian Blockbusters
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1. The phenomenological conception of ideas is primarily concerned with the dynamic and a methodological study about the structure of experience and consciousness of a human being. This study involves the method of analysis in which a human being empirically sees the natural world as objects; and, also, as objects acting and reacting upon one another. The familiarity of this concept is due to the classical description of Newton’s Laws of Motion, which laid the foundation about the clarification on how humans consciously experience the world. However, one phenomenological experience transcends all this natural laws and focuses on the ideas of "hyper physics," called the Hyper-Newtonian Phenomenology. This phenomenology is observed in genre of movies which generally involve fictional concepts. Therefore, the Hyper-Newtonian Phenomenology is defined as the way human beings can consciously experience a reality that goes beyond the natural laws of physics, as if the incorporation of such idea is common in the natural world. One of the most famous hyper-Newtonian improved concepts in movies involves the general concept of gravity. These movies often show characters flying and floating around the screen without any use of technologically advanced equipment, which clearly defies our natural conscious experience of gravity in the real world.
The use of Hyper-Newtonian Phenomenology gave rise to different avenues to create different forms of allegorical scenarios by using different aesthetic elements involving abstraction. Hyper-Newtonian Phenomenology is used to make allegorical connections as long as abstraction is involved in the process. An abstraction is taking on real world characters and exaggerates those characters while hiding their identity with significant symbolic features. The cinematic universe usually employs the use of these abstraction creates a familiar feeling of comfort for the viewers to connect and resonate with the movies even if it involves “hyper physics” concepts, as if it is also the norm in the real world. However, movies often use these abstractions to criticize and reveal a hidden meaning which typically involve corrupt moral or political actions; such as, racism, sexism, homophobia, nuclear threat, and environmental degradation.
One example of these Hyper-Newtonian film is the American epic space-saga movie franchise created by George Lucas, called "Star Wars." This movie involves the character's usage of a metaphysical esoteric power, called "The Force." This force has a distinction among its users and segregates them according to their affiliation; these are the "light side" and the "dark side." The "Jedi" affiliates with the light side while the "Sith" exploits the dark side. The users of "The Force" have always tried to bend its power towards the manifestation of their will. One user of "The Force," named "Darth Vader," used it in the 1977 Star Wars film to telepathically raise his opponents and chokes them using the power of "The Force," where people apparently die without any contact. This was eventually called the "Force Choke." The power given by “The Force” clearly shows the concept of Hyper-Newtonian Phenomenology as it transcends the boundary of real world physics.
On the contrary, one example of a non- Hyper-Newtonian is the epic science fiction film by "Stanley Kubrick," called the "2001: A Space Odyssey." The plot involved the existence of a mysterious structure called the "Black Monolith," which apparently affected the progress of Human evolution and technological advancement, like the creation of artificial intelligence. Although the movie deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts like space ships and the possibility of extraterrestrial life, the film is noted for its scientifically accurate depictions of the laws of biology and physics, including their space ship fights, which technically disqualified the movie to be Hyper-Newtonian.
As time progresses, different hyper-Newtonian movie aesthetics also improved the conscious experience of the audience in viewing movies as technological advancement continuously improved. Some commonly observed aesthetics seen is these kinds of movies that directly influences the viewing experience, includes: animation, special effects and lighting.
Animation is a way on making images to appear as moving picture. The traditional way of creating an animation is by painstakingly draw or paint images frame-by-frame using celluloid sheets to be rendered and placed of the film, like the 1953 animated film “Peter Pan,” produced by Walt Disney. Our modern technology took a great leap of innovation regarding animation styles and techniques, like the development of the computer-generated imagery (CGI), which can create a more detailed development two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) animations with rapid rendering speed compared to the traditional ways of animation. Animation holds the intellectual concept of the beauty of visual aesthetic by adding motion to its configuration. Also, animation enables the creation of abstraction to be present in both space and time.
Special Effects is also an important visual aesthetic is selling the total experience of Hyper-Newtonian movies. Special effects are visual illusions to simul...
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