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Communications & Media
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Leadership Communication Analysis of Twitter

Essay Instructions:

For Milestone Two, you will analyze the leadership communications of your chosen organization. Some examples of leadership communications might be memorandums to internal employees regarding organizational changes or job responsibilities, speeches or presentations by an organizational leader, interviews of an organizational leader regarding a crisis event in the organization, and so on. Be sure to review several examples of leadership communications for your analysis.

Specifically, you will focus on how well the messages from leadership reach internal and external audiences as well as the messages’ impact on the culture of the organization. Your analysis should consider both the messages themselves as well as the role leadership played in the development and delivery of the messages.


Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Analysis of Leadership Communications: Your submission should be drawn from the specific readings in the course material and must include the following:

Evaluate the communications for how effectively leadership met the needs of internal stakeholders

Evaluate the communications for how effectively leadership met needs of external stakeholders

Analyze the communications and determine their impact on the culture of the organization

Explain the approach, or lack of approach, of the organization to issues of ethics.

Your response should be a general explanation regarding the overall process (or lack thereof) of the organization regarding issues of ethics. For example, is it clear how issues of ethics would be handled by leadership? What steps were or were not considered for ethical concerns?

Explain how issues in organizational culture affect opportunities for organizational growth.

For example, how might interpersonal issues that arise from communications inhibit organizational growth?

What to Submit

The paper should be submitted as a 2- to 4-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and sources cited in APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Communication Analysis


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Leadership Communication Analysis of Twitter

Leadership communication is crucial to any organization’s success. Delivery and comprehension of these messages can impact the organization’s culture and external image. Several times, leadership communication shaped Twitter’s direction, public perception, and staff morale. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey became the first big internet company to offer employees the opportunity to work from home “forever” if their employment allows in May 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic (BBC, 2020). Twitter leadership announced Twitter Web 2.0, a company-wide rebranding plan with major UI upgrades and new features. Leadership effectively informs users and manages expectations by communicating company changes (Marshall, 2023). Twitter’s leadership was lauded for its openness after a 2020 cybersecurity attack (Twitter, 2020). They updated the inquiry, took action, and explained methodically.

Communications for Leadership Effectiveness to Meet the Needs of Internal Stakeholders

Internal communication from leadership can enhance employee engagement, trust, and morale. Communication must be consistent, timely, and unambiguous. Staff meetings, intranet, newsletters, and emails can increase reach and fit employee preferences. Executive press releases and tweets affect public opinion. Company culture can change with good leadership communication. Leaders’ opinions and communication 

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