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Media Narratives on Trump Era

Essay Instructions:

Hello Everyone -

I hope you enjoyed the journey that this course took you through. Seeing culture and History through film can be informative, but as you all so adequately indicated in your Discussions, it is not always accurate or even truthful. This may be by design at time, to steer the narrative a certain direction for political, social, or even economic reasons. Thus, it is always important to educate yourself and research the subject matter to be informed of the facts. While everyone has a Right to their own opinions or interpretations, they do NOT have a right to change or ignore the facts.

Unfortunately, due to technical challenges we were not able to assign and watch, The Comey Rule, which does a decent job at presenting the Trump Era in the White House. So, for the Final Exam, I want you to think about any movies, TV series, documentaries, or news segments that you can remember or locate regarding the Trump Era. Use any online sources you like, but make sure you cite any sources you directly quote or copy, to answer the below question. Your essay must be a minimum of 500 words

Final Exam QUESTION: Based on your knowledge, information, and opinion of the FACTS as presented in any media source (film, TV, documentary, news segments, etc.), what was the impetus for the January 6, 2021, protests, riots, and insurrection at the US Capitol? Elaborate as much as you like and take your answer any direction you desire, but I am looking for your interpretation of the FACTS and how it culminated into that historical event. Do you see how media can be used to steer the narrative, regardless of realities?

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Media Narratives and the January 6, 2021, Capitol Insurrection


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The occurrences on January 6, 2021 shook the foundations of democracy in the United States of America, and further raised questions about the role of media in shaping perceptions. In a well-attended political conference at the Save America Rally, Trump had encouraged thousands of attendants to “fight like hell” and “never concede” (Conklin, 2021). It was after this rally that people stormed the Capitol Building with an effort to stop the ratification of Joe Biden as the newly elected president of the US. Thousands of Trump supporters who showed up at the Capitol Building assaulted police officers, smeared feces on capitol’s wall, and smashed statues. On the aftermath of this pivotal moment in the US history, thousands were arrested and Donald Trump was suspended from both YouTube and Twitter, where he had a combined total of over 88 million followers. The different perspectives and rhetoric’s portrayed

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