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CMBU 2666 Interview Questions. Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

please follow the instruction carefully. Especially the bold part and the red part.

there are 15 questions.

(for 2-13 you only need to write bullet points but there is a format you need to follow. The format will be

in the document)

CMBU 2666 Interview Questions
Review the following article on STAR interviewing technique"Using the Star technique to shine at job interviews: a how-to guide"
Use STAR to answer your Interview Questions 2 – 13
Answer the following question beginning with a “human need” statement and using the information developed through the “Discovering Your Brand” exercise done in class.  Human Need/Accomplishments/Values(I am a loyal and trustable person, I am humorous, I am always there when my friends need me. You can add more) (one paragraph for this section)
1. Tell me about yourself  Answer each following question using STAR storytelling (Situation, Task, Activity, Result).  Label each section of your answer with the appropriate STAR segment. Do not fully write out the segments as a narrative; use bullet points.  Use a minimum of 3 bullet points for each Situation, Task & Result segment.  Use 6 bullets for Activity segment. 
2. Describe the most challenging work situation that you have faced. 3. Tell me about a time when your work was criticized. How did you handle it? 4. Tell me about a time that you took the lead on a difficult project. 5. Tell me about a time when you came up with a new approach to a problem. 6. Describe a time when you were assigned a project without clear direction. What did you do? 7. Tell me about a time that you adjusted your style to communicate more effectively. 8. Tell me about a decision you made that turned out to be the wrong one. 9. Give me an example of when you had to work on a team with someone difficult. 10. Tell me about a time you overcame a difficult obstacle. 11. Tell me about a time when you failed.12. What are your greatest strengths? (Tell a STAR Story about your greatest strength)13. What is your greatest weakness? (Tell a STAR Story about how you are working on overcoming your greatest weakness)14. What questions do you have for me? 15. What are the most interesting trends happening in your industry right now? 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Interview Questions
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Interview Questions
1 Tell me about yourself
* I am a loyal and trustable individual.
* I am humorous, and I easily get along with people.
* I am always there when my friends need me.
* I am focused and believe in achieving the set goals.
* My passion is in sales and marketing where I have wide experience.
2 Describe the most challenging work situation that you have faced.
* I was working to promote the brand of a particular client.
* Two days before the launch of the product, the client decided the change the all campaign strategy.
* The client did not like the draft we had presented, so we were required to draft another plan.
* We called for a crisis meeting that evening.
* I requested the management to allow me to come up with a new team.
* It was challenging for me since this was the only opportunity to impress the client.
* I apologized to the client
* I dealt with the issue by considering the previous work we had done for the client.
* I looked at the feedback from the previous campaigns.
* I required the team to incorporate the feedback into the new campaign strategy.
* We also researched new ways of enhancing the campaign.
* I consulted our manager for more ideas.
* The client was pleased with the new ideas.
* The client indicated that the strategy would work.
* The client suggested that we proceed with the campaign.
3 Tell me about a time when your work was criticized. How did you handle it?
* My boss required me to prepare a slide presentation for her.
* I had never used the graphing program before.
* I did not indicate that I was not comfortable using the program.
* I proceeded to prepare the slides.
* The images were not properly aligned.
* Some slides were not appealing.
* The boss rehearsed the presentation in front of a colleague before the actual event.
* The co-worker pointed out the mistakes in some slides.
* The colleague made a joke that the slides were unprofessionally done.
* The boss also indicated that the images were inappropriate and poorly aligned.
* I was required to redo the slides
* The boss required me to make the slides more professional.
* I accepted that the slides needed major modifications.
* I indicated that I was in the process of learning how to use the program.
* I requested a co-worker to assist me to make the modifications.
4 Tell me about a time that you took the lead on a difficult project.
* The sales department was doing poorly.
* The company was making fewer sales.
* The management demanded a restricting.
* I was required to lead the restricting process.
* The management wanted the new structure to reflect the new objectives of the company.
* The timeline was a month
* I called a meeting involving the team leaders.
* We analyzed the previous structure
* The areas of weaknesses were identified.
* We brainstormed on the new structure.
* We consulted the management for more ideas on the new structure.
* A proposal was made and presented to the management.
* The management appraised the proposed structure.
* The new leadership was unveiled.
* The number of sales increased.
5 Tell me about a time when you came up with a new approach to a problem
* In my previous job, the company decided to increased production to meet the high demand.
* I was required to identify ways of increasing production without hiring more workers.
* I was assigned a group of five individuals to address the issue
* I met with the workgroup.
* We brainstormed on the possible solutions
* A majority of the members thought that adding more workers was the only solution.
* I declined the idea of the workgroup
* I proposed that we organize a meeting with the workers.
* We would create additional hours.
* The current workers would work overtime.
* The company would compensate them for the extra time.
* The company would offer dinner for the workers
* The employees accepted the idea.
* The management implemented the idea.
* The production increased and met the demand.
6 Describe a time when you were assigned a project without clear direction. What did you do?
* The company needed to hire more workers
* I was required to lead the process.
* There was no timeline given.
* I needed to find out the number of workers required.
* Getting representatives from each department was important.
* I needed to outline the qualification of the candidates.
* I got representatives from all the departments.
* We identified the departments which needed more employees
* We highlighted the job descriptions.
* I presented the proposal to the management, and they accepted it.
* We advertised for the positions.
* We conducted interviews for the shortlisted candidates
* We managed to get the most suitable employees for the departments.
* We managed to get new employees within the required time.
* The management was pleased with how I conducted the activity.
7 Tell me about a time that you adjusted your style to communicate more effectively.
* A company I worked was looking for more clients
* The management organized a meeting with potential clients.
* The meeting was critical for the company.
* I needed to persuade the clients to work with us.
* I was required to communicate to the clients in a manner they could understand.
* I needed to change the way I communicate to accommodate all the individuals in the meeting.
* I ensure that the communication was open, honest and respectable.
* I prepared a PowerPoint presentation.
* I created posters.
* I avoided the use of jargon during the meeting.
* The individuals present were free to ask questions.
* My facial expressions where appropriate and resonated with the theme of the meeting.
* I interacted well with the audience.
* Those present gave positive reviews about my mode of presentation.
* The use of the various techniques enhanced understanding.
* Impressing th...
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