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Human Sex Trafficking, Statement of Purpose, Current Problem

Essay Instructions:

Human sex trafficking in America
In addition to a formal cover letter that describes your proposal project, the proposal must include the following components in APA-style format:
• Transmittal letter (cover letter that describes your proposal project)
• Title page
• Table of Contents
• Informative abstract
• Body of your paper (including the introduction, statement of purpose, current problem, proposed plan, literature review, research methods, results/findings, and conclusion/recommendations)
• Primary research (discussed in your methods and results/findings)
• Headings
• Reference page
• Appendix (this is where to include your survey or interview questions)
Body of your paper (including the introduction, statement of purpose, current problem, proposed plan, literature review, research methods, results/findings, and conclusion/recommendations).
For your final paper in this course, you will be writing a formal proposal paper that will be solving a problem, improving a situation, or satisfying a need related to your field of study. Research is an important component to this paper, so be sure to select a topic that is researchable (mostly through primary sources). You may need to spend some time researching your field of study to gain an understanding of areas in which further research could be done. Please review the technical communications rubric for specific grading requirements.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Sex Trafficking In America
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc495550718 \h 2Introduction PAGEREF _Toc495550719 \h 3Statement of Purpose PAGEREF _Toc495550720 \h 3Current Problem PAGEREF _Toc495550721 \h 4Proposed Plan PAGEREF _Toc495550722 \h 4Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc495550723 \h 5Research Methods PAGEREF _Toc495550724 \h 7Research design PAGEREF _Toc495550725 \h 7Data Collection Procedures PAGEREF _Toc495550726 \h 7Limitation PAGEREF _Toc495550727 \h 7Results PAGEREF _Toc495550728 \h 8Findings and Analysis PAGEREF _Toc495550729 \h 11Recommendations & Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc495550730 \h 12Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc495550731 \h 13References PAGEREF _Toc495550732 \h 14
Sex trafficking is a heinous act which deserves the world’s attention. In the US, the issue has been downplayed to the point where it is made to seem like a non-issue. However, the truth is that greedy individuals are stealing the future of young girls and boys and selling it to promiscuous individuals who seek pleasure even at the expense of young lives and bright futures. The main goal of this study was to establish the extent of sex trafficking in America. As per the results, the country needs prompt plans and apt laws which can help save the lives of people who are either shipped offshores or taken to different parts of the country to pleasure fellow men. The situation is sickening, the numbers are shocking, and it is time the US takes a stand against sex trafficking. The country cannot afford to stay silence anymore.
Human Sex Trafficking In America
Kabance (2014) refers to human trafficking as “modern-day slavery,” and many would agree that she hits the nail on the head with her choice of words. Human trafficking is one of the most extensive and heinous crimes the world has ever witnessed. It occurs in two forms: sex trafficking and labor trafficking and in both cases, people with basic human rights are treated as objects, and a means to an end. This scourge is not just a global issue because even in the United States, the reports have been appalling. Sex trafficking business in America has been thriving over the years, and currently, it is one of the most lucrative business options. People have stooped to the level of trafficking fellow human beings purposefully for sexual exploitation. Moreover, the perpetrators behind sex trafficking often target children which makes the situation sad. Teenagers and young adults have been enslaved while others have been forced into prostitution. These children have seen their dreams and aspirations squashed with greedy men whose love for money supersedes their regard for humanity. Sex trafficking is a heinous crime and America together with the international community needs to institute tougher laws as well as repercussions for the sex trafficking perpetrators.
Statement of Purpose
This research paper seeks to establish the extent of sex trafficking in the United States. Sex trafficking is not always on the national news channels, but it is evolving and developing into a major issue. The negligence by the federal government is quite astonishing, and the silence on the matter is indeed loud and unsettling. However, this research study seeks to develop a state-by-state analysis of the issue of sex trafficking while also recommending the appropriate course of action.
Current Problem
According to the International Labor Organization (ILO) (2012), profits accrued from human trafficking are approximately $32 billion. This is a lot of money and goes a long way in explaining why the perpetrators of this scourge are not relenting. According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (2012), of the total number of people trafficked annually, 58% are specifically for sexual exploitation. A visit to the humantraffickinghotline.org website reveals shocking statistics. So far in 2017, the number of sex trafficking cases reported in the US stands at 3,186. In 2016, the number was 5,593, and these only represent the cases which are reported which means that this number could be even higher. These are disgusting statistics which sadly never get to the mainstream media. Sex trafficking has been downplayed for a long time, and it is only right that the public is made aware of these numbers. Young girls get separated from their families and deprived their futures. Concrete plans and indeed needed, and the government needs to get involved more in the fight to end sex trafficking in the US. The US has always led from the front, but on this issue, the country is sadly leading from behind.
Proposed Plan
For this study, the researcher was using secondary sources and hence did not use the normal or conventional methods of collecting data. To collect the necessary data for this research, the researcher opted to use the National Human Trafficking Hotline which maintains one of the most extensive data sets on the issue of sex trafficking in the US. Once the necessary data has been collected, it will first be ranked by state, then further classification will be done using age, gender, country of origin, and destination variables.
Literature Review
Kabance (2014) mentions one important factor which to her seems to have provided a gateway and even accelerated the spread of human trafficking in the world. To her, globalization is one of the main reasons why human trafficking has become a global issue. Her comments seem to echo Siddharth Kara (2009), who said that “sex trafficking is one of the ugliest contemporary actualizations of global capitalism.” Both of them seem to think that globalization has indeed played a role in making sure the world is dealing with an issue as serious as human trafficking. The truth is, globalization helped to make many businesses profitable and sadly, sex trafficking is among those ‘businesses.' Organizations have managed to expand beyond their borders mainly because of international trade, technological developments, as well as relaxed laws. While the above was intended for legit businesses, other businesses, most notably human trafficking, also took advantage of the stipulations highlighted above.
However, Kabance also adds that globalization has helped to “increase international awareness of the problem.” Her assertion is indeed true because, currently, more people are talking about sex trafficking than before and the international community seems to be awakened by the coverage of numerous sad stories depicting young girls being poached and later forced into prostitution. Currently, getting the attention of people seem to be the major hurdle for most humanitarian organizations. People seem too preoccupied with the current events in the political, economic, and social aspects of the world. However, as Kabance says, globalization has helped to spread the message and to rally support for movements which are dedicated to fighting and ending this scourge.
Like any business, sex trafficking is driven by the market and also strictly adheres to the principles of supply and demand. It is, therefore, a business like any other but the sad truth is it steals a lot from the victims and the world. The United States has, for several years now, been a source, transit as well as a destination for sex trafficking victims. The influx of escort services, strip clubs, brothels, young pornstars, etc. is a clear indication that either the society’s morals are deteriorating or the sex trafficking business is booming. The truth is, the society’s morals are indeed deteriorating, however, with the profits accrued in sex trafficking amounting to billions of dollars, it is clear that young girls are still being trafficked. Sex trafficking in the US does not necessarily happen across borders or in international realms. The truth is, domestically, sex trafficking is also just as lucrative in the US. Alvarez (2016) asks an important question to which there is no answer yet: “How do you identify sex-trafficking victims when such cases go largely undetected or unreported?” In her article, Alvarez says that the victims also “fear law enforcement…because they’re technically committing a crime and that is prostitution.” The challenge, therefore, is quite deep and apt measures are needed promptly, or more girls will continue to lose their dreams and futures.
Sex Trafficking and the Internet
The Internet was a wonderful and revolutionary development. However, like any new technological advancement, people always end up using it to further their distasteful agendas. When it comes to sex-trafficking, the Internet has been an important asset for the perpetrators. Transactions have become easier, and recruitment has also been made simple. Currently, traffickers use social media, online advertisement avenues, and dating sites to target their victims. With billions of people connected to the Internet every day, the traffickers have an easy time picking their targets.
Research Methods
This chapter will discuss the methodology of the study including the research design, data collection procedures and limitations.
Research design
The research design of this research is a quantitative descriptive design based on a secondary source. The secondary source is the Natio...
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