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How SIPT Determines the Creation and Maintenance of Online Relationships

Essay Instructions:

This is the assignment portal for uploading your final theory development paper.

The goals of the theory development paper are (a) to identify and describe a behavior or phenomenon that involves human communication and (b) to develop a theory to explain how/why this phenomenon occurs by drawing on specific concepts and theories described in class. Detailed instructions for this assignment can be found here. The rubric that will be used to grade the theory summary papers is available

Choose a theory from the material I gave to expand, because the professor only asks us to explain the theory we have learned in class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How SIPT Determines the Creation and Maintenance of Online Relationships
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How SIPT Determines the Creation and Maintenance of Online Relationships
Humans are social creatures, meaning that they must communicate with each other. The rapid advancement of technology has resulted in the rise of the Internet, which has made the world a global village. Today, it is possible to communicate with people from different corners of the world, as long as they are connected to the web. Electronic devices with high processing powers are becoming affordable, and many individuals have mobile gadgets that they use to get connected to the Internet. Smartphones, tablets, computers, and other devices have significantly improved human communication by eliminating the barrier of geographical location. The paper identifies and describes a phenomenon or behavior that entails human communication and uses specific concepts and theories discussed in the class.
A specific behavior or phenomenon common with the current generations is that they prefer online communications over face-to-face or physical meetings. Traditionally, individuals met with their friends, families, peers, and colleagues physically. They valued face-to-face communication since there was no appropriate technology they would have used. Currently, there are numerous social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok, Zoom, and other technologies that make it easier for people to communicate regardless of their geographical location (Carr & Hayes, 2015). As such, there is no need to travel hundreds of miles to meet someone with whom one can communicate over the Internet. Many individuals want to stay at home, get connected to the web, and stay online for many hours interacting with their virtual friends. They can chat or video call. Additionally, numerous schools and hospitals have implemented appropriate technologies so that they can educate learners and monitor patients, respectively. The phenomenon where online communications have replaced face-to-face meetings has led to new forms of relationships.
The above phenomenon can be described using the social information processing theory (SIPT). The first assumption of SIPT is that computer-mediated communication offers unique opportunities that enhance how people connect with each other. Online communicators are self-motivated to have favorable impressions that they show to others. In addition, the last assumption is that online relationships need more messages and time to accomplish the same degree of intimacy as physical relationships (“Social Information Processing & Communication Privacy Management Theory,” 2022). Impression involves the mental image that individual forms when interacting with others. For instance, individuals know each other on the Internet, become virtual friends, and maintain their relationships for an extended period. Even without using non-verbal cues, online communication facilitates building relationships. Many social networking platforms have emojis, which imitate non-verbal cues, making individuals react to each other or share their feelings. However, Internet relationships take more time to develop since the people involved must build trust with each other. For example, someone in the United States of America (USA) can request an individual in China to be his or her friend on Facebook. These people might share similarities, such as education major, fashion, or anything else that can bring them together. But before these individuals develop a trusting relationship, it can take at least two years, which is the period taken to know each other well.
Online communication gives individuals a chance to create and maintain relationships. However, a person’s impression significantly contributes to the period it takes to build a trusting rela...
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