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Aggregation of GIFs in the Movie "Avatar"

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GIF Essay
The Avatar movie is a parked base movie that portrays scientific fiction on the green war and the invention of the human in an alien world. The film involves a mission planned by the United States armed forces to the land of Pandora. This land is located on a moon the size of the Earth and is rich in Unobtanium, which is said to be a valuable mineral. The US army inhabits this planet making its main mission to mine this valuable mineral. Many ex-military officers are sent to the earth to make this mission a success because for them to mine the mineral, they are either to convince or force the inhabitants of the Pandora land.
The Navi inhabit the land, blue-skinned with golden eyes and giant-like people who live in clans. Under the reservoirs of a huge tree that their lineage is based on is where the Unobtanium mineral lies. The Pandora land does not allow the humans to breathe; thus, they were to wear masks to survive out on the ground. They could interact with the Navi by creating avatars that looked like the Navi. The military-controlled these avatars using sensories in that a person was linked with a specific avatar, and they would handle them using their subconscious mind. Through this, they looked forward to accomplishing their mission of obtaining the valuable mineral. The Navi refused to agree with the military, which led to the breaking of war to get the mineral in the land of Navi.
Most of the GIFs and images from google portray different messages from the one that the movie was to give. For example, in the picture of Neytiri and Jake holding an arrow and bow, at first glance, one may think of them are poaching. One may reach this conclusion because of Neytiri and Jake’s focus. However, this picture from the actual movie revealed the bonding process between Neytiri and Jake. Jake was part of the military after the death of his twin. The army had to do this because an expensive avatar was made for his brother, and Jake was the one that could control the avatar. This was possible because of the same genes he has as his twin brother. It was easy for him to cope with the military during their project on the avatar because he worked with the marine, making him not a scientist, and he could not work. Despite these challenges, Jake still worked hard till he gained the trust of the military leaders.
After getting good at controlling his avatar, Colonel Miles Quaritch calls him and tells him more about the Navi and why they want the Pandora land. After the discussion, Jake agrees to help them by going to the Navi and being part of them to win their trust. Winning their faith was to help talk the Navi to give the military the land so that they mine the mineral they wanted. The Navi survived on this planet by getting to know the planet well, forming bonds with the creature present in the land of Pandora, and being at peace with surrounding nature. Jake found it a good experience using the avatar to interact with Navi because he could walk and run, something he would not do in his human form. Later on, Jake met with Neytiri when she appeared and saved her life. This impressed Jake, and he decided to follow her and ask more about her and her people. Neytiri’s clan accepts him, and they tell Neytiri to train him. She does this by showing him around the land of Pandora, teaching him the Navi’s language and how to form bonds with creatures and rightly hunt them downing. Jake is taught how to use the bow and arrow, which he is tested later by being asked to hunt.
In the GIF on Jack’s saving, after visual analysis, one may think that it is Neytiri who is attacked. Someone may also think she is angry as she pulls the bow to shoot the arrow against the attacking creature. In the movie, this instance comes in after Jake gets lost after being chased by one of the creatures in Pandora’s land, making him jump over a cliff. His team members tried to search for him but could not find him and decided to leave and join the rest in the camp. Jake tries to find a way out of the Pandora Forest, but instead, he is attacked by several creatures, and before he is killed, Neytiri comes to his rescue. She decided to help him because Jake sounded like a good guy. After saving her life, Jake asks her why she did so, and she answers she finds him to be a good guy but stupid. Having nowhere to go, Jake follows her, and as they are walking, they are attacked by the Navi clan; Jake is taken to the Navi people to decide whether to be killed.
In the picture where Jake widely opens his mouth, one may think he is angry at someone or something. This gives the wrong message compared to the one provided by the movie. In the film, Jack is taken to a mountain where dragon-like creatures dwell, and he is to find his dragon and bond as his final test. They head up the mountain together with Neytiri and Tsu’tey with his m...
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