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Biotechnology, Artificial Intelligence, and Posthuman Modalities

Essay Instructions:

Hayles, N. K. (2005). ‘Computing the human’. Theory, Culture & Society, 22(1), 131-151.
this is the reading from school. you need to write influence anylsis based on that
Write (i) an introduction;
(ii) an analysis of three texts that influenced this text; (Each paragraph discusses one article, three articles in total)
(iii) an analysis of the influence that this text has had on three other specified texts; (Each paragraph discusses one article, three articles in total)
(iv) a conclusion.
Please strictly follow the above requirements

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Influence Analysis
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Influence Analysis
The interaction between humans and technology has become an area of discussion concerning the future world. The digital era is witnessing the transformation of the human being into adopting machine aspects and vice versa. "Computing the Human" by Hayles gives a comprehensive evaluation of technology's influence on human beings. The text compares different elements such as acting, sensing, and thinking related to human and machine developments. Through technology, the text reveals the concept of robots and how those innovations enhance the realm of humanity. Various scholars affirm while others critique the ideas and arguments that Hayles makes in the text. From the text, Hayles evaluates the uniqueness of humans as stipulated by scholars such as Fukuyama. The discussions about human and machine development derive an evidence-based analysis of theory, culture, and society. Affirmation and rejection of existing paradigms discussed in the text generate new evidence and claims from different perspectives of our topic understanding. Based on Hayles's text "Computing the Human," we analyze how three articles influence the text and how the text influences the other three specified articles.
Part I.
Fukuyama, Francis (2002) Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
The article by Fukuyama, "Our Posthuman Future," dramatically influences the claims and ideas evidenced in Hayles's text about computing the human. Fukuyama illustrates the tale of two dystopias, as evident in two books; George Orwell’s and Aldous Huxley’s works. The two books were about information technology and biotechnology, respectively (Fukuyama, 2002). Technological revolution and the political prescience contexts are widely elaborated in the article, building on the concept of technological transformation of the human functioning (Computing the Human). Fukuyama's article argues to affirm Huxley's idea that contemporary biotechnology has the possibility of altering human nature, thus taking us to the post-human stage of history. Human biotechnology concepts are extensively discussed in the article. The arguments stipulated in the article greatly influence the text by Hayles. The existence of human nature and its central role in stabilizing cultural, social, and political institutions emanates from Fukuyama’s article. The evolutionary theory is applied in defining the uniqueness of humans concerning their creation. Fukuyama argues that human nature must be defended against technological interventions and alterations (Fukuyama, 2002). The arguments compare humans and machines, which are products of technology. Fukuyama helps to reveal how humans are unique through his claims of rational thinking, feeling, and functionality. The article anchors human nature to evolution, a claim that Hayles refutes based on the current relationship between science, technological evolution, and humans.
Brooks, Rodney A. (2002) Flesh and Machines: How Robots Will Change Us. New York: Pantheon.
Brooks's work dramatically influences the arguments and claims produced in the text by Hayles. In his article, Brooks explores the connection between humans and technology. He explains the nature of the relationship in light of the increased development of complex machines. In the article, his aim is to change the human perception regarding the capabilities of robots (Brooks, 2002). Robots are machines built to act and reason like humans. According to Brooks, human nature and machines possess similar characteristics. As seen in the text, the concept of acting in humans and machines borrows from the knowledge of Brooks. Oppositional approach enhanced the design of robots with the capacity to move without central representation (Brooks, 2002). Hayles develops her views concerning the contrast and similarity of machine functioning to human nature from Brooks. Hayles's thoughts on connecting technology with human nature develop from Brooks's approaches. The article is significant and influential to Hayles's text concerning the relationship between human nature and complex machines.
Kurzweil, Ray (1999) The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence. New York: Penguin.
The article by Kurzweil makes an assertion concerning the difference between humanity and technology and the marriage between artificial intelligence and human sensitivity. In the age of spiritual machines, complex machinery and advanced technologies make the next century framework. In his work, Kurzweil asserts the advancements in computers and their ability to exceed human memory capacity (Kurzweil, 1999). The rise of machines and intelligence in taking up human capabilities, thus creating space for automated personalities. The knowledge about computational technology and the advancement in neural circuitry are the crucial aspects that influence the text by Hayles. Acknowledgment concerning predicting the future in the context of technological transformation arises from the article by Kurzweil. The age of spiritual machines reveals the connection between machines and human features such as sensing, sound recognition, and thinking. Computing the human borrows more thought about future technological transformation and its significance in the realm of machine evolution. The article by Kurzweil has more influence on Hayles's work in...
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