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Facebook and Twitter

Essay Instructions:

In a Compare/Contrast essay, you must do exactly what the description of the essay says, i.e., compare or contrast two items, evaluating their resemblances and differences. In addition to giving you yet another opportunity to practice – and, thus, improve – your writing, the Compare / Contrast essay sharpens your critical thinking skills as well as your understanding of the events and things you compare. You can choose from any of the following topics—but, remember, this essay requires relevant source material to support your points. •Online learning vs. face-to-face learning •The life of a dog vs. the life of a cat •iPhone vs. another smartphone •An active student vs. a passive student •A female friend vs. a male friend •Facebook vs. Twitter •Being an employee vs. being self-employed •Terrorist vs. freedom fighter •Celebrity influence vs. parental influence •Credit cards vs. paying cash •Texting vs. calling •Books vs. e-books •Roman Empire vs. United States The specifics: •Remember that in this type of essay you are not expected to draw a conclusion as to which is better – this would be an argument paper – but, rather, let the reader draw his or her own conclusions based on the information offered, i.e., research, statistics, quotes, etc. •You must use at least three outside resources, with correct APA or MLA formatting for in-text citations and a References or Works Cited page. •The length is 1,000 – 1,250 words, double-spaced.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Compare and contrast Facebook and Twitter
Compare and contrast Facebook and Twitter
Twitter and Facebook are the most popular social networking sites in the world. Social network users believe that Facebook is for connecting with schoolmates while Twitter is for connecting with role models. The establishment of social networking has become more prevalent in the society. Social media allows people to stay connected with their friends and families. By September 2013, Facebook stood as the world’s largest social networking site (Dannen & White, 2011). Twitter, founded in 2006 two years after Facebook, celebrates over 500 million active users, while Facebook has about a billion active users. Both Facebook and Twitter are considered important economic and social characteristics of particular people. While Facebook allows for updating bios, photos and other information about people, Twitter provides for only a single picture and very limited information about an individual. Facebook and Twitter have contrasting consumer bases. Facebook serves a multi-purpose function as a social networking platform which allows users to post photos, chat, and play games. On the other hand, Twitter allows users to post notes or tweets of up to 140 characters (Krall, 2010).
Headquartered in the United States’ Menlo Park, California, Facebook is an online networking site operated and owned by Facebook, Inc. it was launched in 2004 February. As of 2013 September, Facebook celebrated about one billion user. This is more than a half of those using it on mobile device. On the other hand, Twitter is a micro-blogging and social networking site that allows its users to read and send text messages/tweets of not more than 140 characters. Twitter is headquartered in California, San Francisco. As of September 2013, Twitter had over 500 million users (Bontcheva, Gorrell & Wessels, 2013). Facebook features include Friends, Wall, Fans, Fans Page, News Feed, Apps, Groups, Likes, Videos, Live Chat, Photos, Links, Text, Pokes, Polls, Status, Games, Classified section, Messaging, and options to upload and download among others. On the other hand, Twitter features include Direct Messaging, Tweet, Trending Topics, Retweet, Links, Follow People, Videos, and Photos. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, while Jack Dorsey is the founder of Twitter. Both Facebook and Twitter allows users to send private messages (Dannen & White, 2011).
Facebook supports advertising in the form of referral marketing, banner ads, and casual games. On the other hand, Twitter supports advertising in the form of promoted tweets. Both Facebook and Twitter users are required to go through a process of registration. While Facebook allows users to use instant messaging and upload photographs, Twitter has no instant messaging option but allows for photograph uploads. While Facebook is available in about 70 languages, allowing its users to play games, post updates, share links, and re-blog posts, Twitter is only available in 29 languages, and allows its users to post updates, share links, and re-blog posts. As of late 2012, Facebook had about 3976 employees (Krall, 2010). During the same period, Twitter had less than 1000 employees. Facebook allows its users to use private settings based on various groups. On the other hand, Twitter allows for privacy settings eit...
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