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High levels of glucose in the blood. Type 2 Diabetes. Insulin

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Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood. When the body suffers from this disorder, the body resists the effects insulin. Insulin is the hormone that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. This is the most common type of diabetes. This type of diabetes amounts to 90 percent of all the diagnosed cases of diabetes in the world. The disease is mostly common in adults and children with obesity (Thomas 2013).
Type 2 diabetes is an inherited disorder. People whose parents suffer from the condition are very likely to get the disorder too. Genes count for a large percentage of the contribution to the disease. Lifestyle however is the largest cause of diabetes. The disease is known by some people as a disease of the rich. The name comes from the fact that consumption of fatty and sugary foods. Consumption of these foods in excess contributes to the disorder manifesting itself. The people who suffer from the disorder have a very high waist to hip ratio or are obese. In some few cases the disease is caused by certain medical conditions that increase the risk of the disease (Schulze et al 2004).
The symptoms of the disorder include frequent urination which is accompanied by thirst, increased feeling of hunger, and loss of weight. Other symptoms of the disease include fatigue, bulled vision, and areas with darkened skin and slow healing of sores. In the early years no symptoms are manifested. The only way that one gets to know is through testing (Schulze et al 2004).
There are several preventive measures for diabetes. The main measure is by eating healthy foods. It is very important to regulate what we eat. At all costs one should avoid taking in a high amount of fatty foods. Fatty foods will lead to increase of fat in the body which will lead to obesity or one being overweight. Consumption of sugary foods should also be regulated. This is because what one eats affects the amount of sugar in the blood. Healthy foods are a way of reducing the onset of diabetes. One should dump refined sugar and start consuming whole gain carbohydrates. Research has proven that whole grain carbohydrates make it more difficult the digestive enzymes in the body to break the starch into glucose. Eating whole grain carbohydrates means that that the body has a slow but constant intake of glucose. This results to the pancreases having less stress to produce insulin which may help in reducing the risk of diabetes. The whole grain foods also contain essential vitamins and minerals that help reduce the risk of diabetes (Ezrin and Kowalski 2011).
Sugary drinks are the second group of foods that one should avoid. The regulation of drinks such as sugary soft drinks and fruit juices also helps in prevention of manifestation of the disease. Diet soda should also be avoided as research has s...
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