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Exploration of the Relational Dialectics Theory

Essay Instructions:

You will write a 4-6 page (double spaced) paper, utilizing a theory of your choice and applying it to any given context. You can use a theory from our textbook, one we have discussed in class, or any communication theory of your choice (I’m happy to help you with this). You will construct an argument/thesis, create a brief literature review/background of your theory and context, and then explore and describe your argument. You can critique a theory, explore what a theory can teach us about a new context, etc. The main point of this paper is to practice writing organization, research, and practical theory application. Paper should contain 4-6 academic citations cited in APA, although more citations are welcomed and encouraged.

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Theory Application Paper
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Relational Dialectics Theory
Interpersonal communication is one of the significant components of message delivery. The relational dialectics theory is used to examine the communication patterns in people. For instance, it is used to show relations in communication between two people in a relationship. The theory was founded by professors Leslie Baxter and Berbera in 1988. This theory focuses on unveiling and examining the contradictions we face in communication. Every society is subjected to a particular communication system, and relational dialectics theory helps declassify these contradictions. When people from different backgrounds such as ethnicity and race engage in a relationship, they develop specific communication patterns. In this case, there are struggles between the two parties to make sure the relationship will stand. This paper will use the relational dialectics theory to explain relationship tension and struggles between parties of different backgrounds.
The objective of Leslie and Berbera was to develop a concept that would help in examining the challenges involved in communication (Baxter & Scharp, 2015). In this scenario, they focused on examining the struggles involved in communication between people of different backgrounds. Notably, dialectics are simply the fluctuations experienced in communication or dialogue between two or more parties. These dialectics can be simplified further, internal and external. Typically, internal dialectics is the tension experienced between two people/parties related to external dialectics. In this case, relational dialectics can be seclusion and inclusion (Montgomery & Baxter, 2013). For instance, suppose James Smith is engaged to Diana, and they are both working in the same company where Diana is the boss. They will be required to keep their relationship together and keep the working space. In such a scenario, the tension between James and Diana is the space while the togetherness is the dialectics. This theory plays an integral role in communication since it shows the tensions that might arise in a relationship. It may not necessarily be about couples; it applies to any relationship tying people close.
The changes in the communication between two close parties have different changes, which are examined by the theory (Montgomery & Baxter, 2013). Every person is different, and the interpersonal skills will be different every time. Moreover, these contractions are most found in social life, especially in romantic relationships. Ideally, when two different people join together, they create a unique force of nature. The force created during this time ought to be resolved hence relational dialectics. However, the relational dialectics theory has several assumptions. For example, any close relationship will not be linear and will always be characterized by contradictions. According to the authors of the theory, different concepts can be used to declassify the theory. Firstly, the aspect of contradiction is brought into the limelight. Contradiction in relationships usually causes tensions, and it can only occur between two interdependent parties (Baxter & Scharp, 2015). Joe is working in a night shift company while his girlfriend Melby works as a personal assistant in a local government office. The two individuals have to understand the space they need to stay together. They will try to protect their relationship by understanding each other (contradictio...
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