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Tesla Australia Communications Plan Against Misinformation

Essay Instructions:

complete on time, no exstenion

(this assignment should be written in report format and include the following sections below.)

Communications Plan

Students need to prepare a Strategic Communications Plan that could be successfully implemented in the Australian business and legal context. Students must identify a corporation or organisation that will be their ‘client’ (i.e. a case study) for this assessment.

The goal of this assessment is to develop a strategic communications plan applicable to one of the following scenarios:

1. Improve the overall public image of a company following a major crisis, such as product failure, social scandal, industrial relations crisis, or environmental destruction.

2. Help an organisation to persuade relevant publics to take actions supportive of an organisation's goals or social issue.

3. Generate significant public interest in a new product, brand or service.

4. Refresh and reposition a product, brand or service so that it is more appealing to consumers.

5. Assist a controversial multinational corporation to establish and maintain ‘mutual understanding’ with its strategic publics.

6. Influence the creation of legislation through an effective internal and public lobbying campaign.

Once a corporation/organisation and scenario have been chosen, students need to conduct research into the background, brands, products, publics, and issues relevant to their case study. For instance, the database Factiva can be used to locate all news stories on a particular corporation and is therefore a great source of independent information. Likewise, annual reports are an excellent source of information on a corporation’s values, operations and finances. Primary research in the form of a small-scale survey or focus groups can also be conducted with classmates and the public in order to test message strategies or understand public perceptions of a particular product or company. More information on these research methods will be provided in class.

This communication plan should be written in report format and include the following sections:

1. Introductory Information

Executive summary (introduce the organisation, the scenario and the aims)

2. Research and analysis

Background to the problem, issue, scenario or brand

Situation analysis

Research findings (primary and secondary findings)

3. Strategy development

Goals and Objectives (the latter needs to be measurable)

Publics and Stakeholders

Key messages and tactics

Third party actions (that you might depend on in order to make your communication effective)

Risk management

Ethical considerations

Budgeting (be realistic by sourcing current industry prices)

4. Implementation

Project management


5. Evaluation and adjustment

Measuring the effectiveness of messages, media and outcomes

6. References (these will not be included in the word count)

This is an industry assessment item. As such, students can make use of bullet points and tables where appropriate, but fragmented expression should be avoided. Evidence will also be needed to support the strategic approach outlined in the Communications Plan. Accordingly, students should provide in-text citations and a list of references. Both academic and industry sources will be valuable sources of evidence, and should be cited using the APA system of referencing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Tesla Australia Communications Plan Against Misinformation
Student Name
Instructor Name
Due Date

Executive Summary

The Australian government is tightening it restrictions on emissions exacerbating the demand for eco-friendly products by consumer. In part, this aided Tesla’s record sale of 12000 vehicles in 2021. However, since 2018, the Australian public has been consuming misinformation on the viability of Tesla electric cars as viable eco-friendly alternatives for road transport. The misinformation can potentially harm the current sales growth rate and develop a negative perception of Tela production by the public.

The proposed $1.95 million Communications plan is intended to counter these false narratives and enhance Tesla’s grip on the market. Survey results indicate that a majority (51%) of Australians do not consider the eco-friendly aspect as the key motivator to purchasing Tesla products. Further, a significant group has indicated that it does not believe or trust Tesla’s eco-friendly and sustainability narratives. Thus, through social media, mainstream media, community events, and college events, the current plan intends to counter the misinformation.

Expectations are that the communication plan will enhance Tesla’s popularity, will effectively counter false information and will establish a long-term market base.   Tesla Australia Communications Plan Against Misinformation 4 1.0 Introduction 4 2.0 Research and Analysis 4 2.1 Problem Statement and Background 4 2.2 Situation Analysis (SWOT) 5 2.2.1 Strengths 6 2.2.2 Weaknesses 6 2.2.3 Opportunities 6 2.2.4 Threats 7 2.3 Market Research Findings 7 3.0 Strategy development 8 3.1 Goals and Objectives 8 3.2 Publics and Stakeholders 8 3.3 Key Messages and Tactics 9 3.4 Ethical Considerations 10 3.5 Potential Risk 10 3.5 Budgeting 11 4.0 Implementation 11 5.0 Evaluation and Adjustment 12 References 13 Appendix 14

Tesla Australia Communications Plan Against Misinformation 1.0 Introduction There are several reasons that have made Tesla a successful entity in the competitive auto manufacturing industry. Environment friendly products is among the major reasons given environmental consciousness is increasingly among the key drivers of consumer decisions within and without Australia (Hassan, 2014). In 2021, Tesla sold thrice (12000) as much cars as it sold in 2020 on the Australian market marking a record high (Dowling, 2022 and Dean, 2022); the same period in which the country has heightened its zero net emissions policy (WEF, 2022). However, there is misinformation in public discourse suggesting that Tesla products do not make a difference when it comes to environmental conservation and that the eco-friendly aspect of Tesla’s communications strategy is just but a marketing gimmick. In particular, proponents of the misinformation have argued that the generation of electric required to charge the cars, in itself, is harmful to the environment. Thus, the current communications plan is developed as a countermeasure intended to persuade relevant publics to actions supportive of Tesla’s mission to realize reduced or zero emissions.
2.0 Research and Analysis 2.1 Problem Statement and Background Tesla is among the most successful manufactures and retailed of electric cars. The success of the organization against mainstay manufacturers like Ford is due to its focus on the reduction of emissions. The modern consumer is increasingly environment conscious; seeking products and services that have minimal harm to the environment. According to Hassan (2014), consumers are increasingly looking for ways to reduce their personal carbon footprint and therefore, are pressuring organizations like Tesla to produce environment friendly products. The environment conscious consumers have been created by the increasing global problem of climate change, global warming, pollution, and degradation of the environment. In its 2016 report on the State of the Environment, the Australian government highlighted that, since 2011, the main pressures affecting the environment were climate change, habitat fragmentation, invasive species, and land use change. Tesla products seek to solve some of the issues under climate change by reducing emissions through sustainable energy (Musk, 2013). Thus, between 2016 and 2022, Australia improved its policies towards zero emissions (WEF, 2022). This explains why the electric car sales peaked in 2021 as consumers have begun to switch to Tesla’s products in line with the environmental concerns. Since 2018 however, there has been a covert campaign on social and mainstream media to discredit Tesla’s concerns for the environment. Research outcomes, based on cherry-picked data, discredited projections, and without CO2 considerations, have flooded public discourse (Klock-McCook , 2018). Proponents have also argued that since 74% (Energy.Gov, 2021) of Australia electricity supply is from fossil fuels, Tesla essentially exacerbates the burning of such fuels leading to more emissions. The misinformation can potentially impede Tesla’s sales in Australia. Thus, there is a need for a communications plan that counters these narratives.   2.2 Situation Analysis (SWOT) The situation analysis relies on the concept of SWOT to establish Tesla’s internal and external situation in view of the emerging misinformation problem on the Australian market.   2.2.1 Strengths             Key strengths at Tesla include energy efficiency, leading brand influence, and innovation. In terms of energy, it is a leading organization in production of vehicles that rely on clean energy including solar. This is key because it shifts the industry away from fossil fuel. Tesla’s leading brand influence, aided by its visionary and celebrity CEO also helps it to reach millions of people around the world and within Australia. Innovation, on the other hand remains the company’s most important dimension because it is involved in producing noble products.   2.2.2 Weaknesses             However, the company faces weakness in areas like experimental and complex procedures (as a result of innovation), premium product range, and CEO involvement. Elon Musk is also involved in other projects like space exploration that nay have significant impact on the environment. Potential failures in these projects may tarnish Tesla’s eco-friendly brand. The premium range products also mean that Tesla’s market is limited to elites. Despite this weakness, the company has several opportunities to exploit.   2.2.3 Opportunities             A key opportunity for Tesla is that Australia government is increasingly tightening restrictions on emissions (Energy.Gov, 2021 and WEF, 2022). Thus, Tesla’s eco-friendly products seem to have an assured market especially in the long run. Other opportunities developments like autopilot technology and the potential to target new middle- and low-income buyers as means to market expansion. However, exploitation of these opportunities may be hindered by inherent and new threats.   2.2.4 Threats             Some of the inherent threats include competition, product quality problems, and supply disruption. Supply disruption may occur because vehicles are not manufactured in Australia. Rather, they are shipped from Tesla’s six plants in USA and Europe. A pandemic or regional conflict can disrupt this supply. Newer threats, on the other hand, include the current problem of misinformation intended to damage Tesla’s environmental mission and eco-friendly brand.   2.3 Market Research Findings In a recently conducted online survey on the issue of misinformation on the Australian markets, participants reported mixed outcomes. Consolidated feedback from 1122 participants indicated that 82% of Australian adults desired a Tesla vehicle. Main reasons include eco-friendly (49%), an exciting new product (20%), it is cool to own one (17%), and no reason in particular (14%). Of those who indicated they did not want a Tesla product, 60% cited satisfaction with current vehicles, 20% cited disbelief in climate change and Tesla’s mission, while 20% cited no reason in particular. Asked whether they have ever come across information that Tesla products are not eco-friendly, 76% said yes. Of this, 80% found the information on social media, 15% on mainstream media, and 5% are not sure. Of the 82% who desire a Tesla product, 39% indicated that the information confused their understanding of Tesla’s product. Inclusive criterial in the participation was vehicle ownership. The research was conducted to establish the extent to which the misinformation has spread and determine means of countering it. The outcomes are important for several reasons. For instance, more than 50% of consumers are no willing to buy Tesla products because they are eco-friendly. This is a problem because is eco-friendly is a key pillar of Tesla’s brand. There is a need for more people to get behind this mission. Further, among those who do not want to buy Tesla products, 20% believe that Tesla is not contributing to sustainability through its products. This is important because it undermines Tesla’s mission. Lastly, 92% of participants have consumed information that disparages Tesla’s brand. This means that the organization has a duty to provide counter-information. One way of achieving this is through an elaborate and targeted communica...

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