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Reflection on Digital Culture and International Sanctions and Technology

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is mainly divided into two parts. The first part is a summary of the majors (digital cultrues) I have studied throughout my undergraduate career. I have provided specific questions below. You can refer to the documents I uploaded. The documents I uploaded include some theory and research methods.

The second part is to discuss how to apply the professional content I have learned to case studies, which I have uploaded below.

you can use first person


This is an introductory assessment that aims to prepare you for Assessment 2, the Case Study Project.

As interdisciplinarity is firmly based upon knowledge of one’s discipline(s), this first assessment task requests you to:

critically reflect upon the ways in which your discipline produces knowledge, and identify the contribution that your discipline may bring to interdisciplinary work 

In order to assist you with your preparation for this task, specific activities will be included in the workshops.

The assignment consists of two parts, as outlined below.

Part A) Identify and critically reflect upon your discipline (about 800 words)

In this part you will explore the nature of the disciplinary knowledge practices that you bring to the unit. Drawing on readings, lecture materials, workshop experiences as well as your own research, you will identify and critically reflect on the features of your disciplinary knowledge, perspectives, and skills.

Please answer these questions

Here are some questions that you can use as a guide

What is the subject matter of your discipline?

What approach(es) does your discipline adopt to research?

What kind of theoretical frameworks, paradigms, or specific practices tend to prevail in your discipline?

Are there specific methodologies and data that your discipline prefers to employ in conducting research?

Have there been any major recent changes/developments in the way the discipline has unfolded?

Are you aware of any debates and/or divisions existing within your discipline and/or criticism towards your discipline?

Throughout your assignment, try to give some detail (e.g. explain a theory, say how a particular practice is used, or provide an example of a specific development or debate).  You can use the document i upload (“specific dabte&research)

Part B) Apply your disciplinary knowledge (about 200 words)

For this part, you will select one of the case studies available in the unit.* (Do not forget to name the case study that you select.)

Consider how your disciplinary perspectives, as discussed in the first part, can help you contribute to addressing one of the driving questions set for this case study. For example, what theory or methodology from your discipline could be helpful to address the question and why? Or, what type of data would you employ to address the problem and why would it be helpful? Or, what kinds of proposals and/or strategy/ies could your discipline provide to address the problem (e.g. introduction of a particular policy,  dedicated services, specific infrastructures)?

You can use the document i uploaded like “interview”

Case Study 10: International Sanctions and Technology

The first two decades of the 21st century saw a dramatic increase in the use of sanctions as a diplomatic tool to coerce target states into changing their behavior without recourse to military force. The United Nations' sanction regimes currently target over a dozen states – a number compounded by the sanctions unilaterally levied by individual countries such as the United States (29 countries targeted) and Australia (4 countries). Once limited to the niche of military hardware, the range of technologies now potentially subject to sanctions has considerably widened, as consumer products embed ever more sophisticated hardware and software. Technology has also been the cause behind recent sanctions, as in the case of North Korea's satellite launches or the Chinese technology firm Huawei.

Sanctions are often presented as a peaceful way to punish human-rights violations or threats to global security. Yet they also have unintended consequences. Essential medical equipment such as hypodermic needles and wheelchairs are prohibited from being imported into North Korea by UN sanctions. In July 2019, thousands of Iranian open source developers lost access to their code after the popular development platform Github blocked their accounts in order to comply with US sanctions on Iran. The issues are rarely clear-cut as technologies often have multiple uses. The same cryptocurrencies that allow Venezuelan citizens to hedge against hyperinflation are also accused of facilitating money laundering and corruption at the state level.

This case study invites students to explore the contested geopolitics of international sanctions as they pertain to technology. It will challenge them to try to understand the positions of the different actors involved, and to think about the power relations behind labels such as "international community", "rogue states" or "dual use".

 Possible driving questions

1. Technologies can be the target of sanctions but also their cause. What are the justifications for preventing states from accessing certain technologies? Who decides which technologies can be used by all and which can't? How do economic and technological inequalities between core countries, peripheral countries and semi-peripheral countries influence the configuration of sanction regimes?

2. What does it mean to target a state with sanctions? Who are the entities (human and non-human) concretely affected by sanctions? Are certain social groups (in terms of gender, ethnicity, age, religious or political orientation) more likely to be impacted by a lack of access to technology as a result of sanctions?

3. Technologies such as encryption and telecommunication devices are often labelled dual-use and subject to sanctions. Yet they are also essential for journalists, activists and members of civil society trying to change the sanctioned countries' policies. What are other unintended side-effects of sanctions on technology and can they be mitigated? Are coercive measures such as sanctions always preferable to military intervention? From whose perspective?

this job is very special. You need to pretend that you are the one studying digital culture.

Please read the instruction carefully


I am overall very satisfied with this paper. I think you really read all the documents I uploaded.

But there are still two shortcomings, I hope you can modify it according to my requirements.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Part A: Critical Reflection on Digital Culture The subject matter of the discipline is studying the trends in digital culture. Through the discipline, numerous aspects are undertaken in order to understand the cultural transformation in the digitization of society. This includes critical investigation of the online ecosystem, digital technologies, media, and the role of these concepts in contemporary society. Another primary consideration in the study of digital culture is understanding its role in politics, arts, business, and day-to-day life (Delfanti & Arvidsson, 2019). Therefore, studies in digital culture offer a basis for establishing the boundaries in knowledge, work, identities, communication, power, play, and socialization. There are diverse approaches that are employed in researching the identified aspects. The choice of the research technique depends on the factors being investigated. Therefore, there are always variations in the methods or techniques applied in research (Orgad, 2009). One of the most prominent research techniques is the mixed methods design. The technique is effective in digital research because it allows qualitative and quantitative data integration. The data collection methods include surveys, online interviews, filling questionnaires, and secondary research. Numerous advantages are linked to the approach. First, the approach allows a holistic and exhaustive investigation of the studied factors. Moreover, it is systematic and leads to logical conclusions about the researched aspect. Numerous theoretical frameworks are applied during studies in digital culture studies (Qiu & Loader, 2016). The basis of the particular theoretical frameworks being applied arises from past findings and the application of specific digital components in improving aspects such as the social, technological, and digital components. When evaluating the nature of studies, it is vital to understand the nature of the data to be obtained. It is also vital to acknowledge the relationships between the diverse types of data applied or used in the research. This will enable the researcher to identify the specific theories that can be utilized to enhance the understanding of the information (Orgad, 2009). Moreover, there is a need to have a comprehensive outlook of issues affecting individuals and their interactions with digital aspects. In this regard, every decision will be informed by past and current findings. One of the most critical theories is the protection motivation theory based on expectancy-value theories. The theory argues that beliefs of diverse attitudes influence people's health behaviors. Based on the research topic, digital technology can be used as public health tools. For example, the coronavirus pandemic ravaged people’s livelihoods. Through technologies, people infected or who came in contact with infected people could be tracked easily. This would positively contribute to containing the virus. The motivation theory is a framework that motivates people to adopt positive behaviors that can lead to better outcomes in their life. Moreover, it is vital in showcasing or demonstrating the proper behaviors that people can acquire to adopt positive online habits. As technology advances, the theory is increasingly becoming important in digital culture research (Phillips, 2019). This is because of its apparent personal advantages as well as the society. People can identify core health risks and propose proper coping mechanisms based on the severity of potential harm from the identified risk. As noted earlier, diverse methods are applied in digital culture research. The computer-mediated discourse is vital in ensuring consistency and guaranteeing positive outcomes in research. The computer-mediated research approach was first designed in the United States to assist in transferring data across computers. Therefore, computers became a basis for undertaking personal communication. This has been advanced in contemporary society as people utilize digital technologies in communication, including the facilitation of research (Herring, 2005). Therefore, researchers need to understand the role of computer-mediated discourse in collecting data. This also directly influences research outcomes and how data can be interpreted effectively. In this regard, understanding the role of computer-mediated discourse will assist i...
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