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Campaign Artifact: Be Smart, Eat Smart

Essay Instructions:

You will create an artifact (i.e. a poster, handout, Instagram ad, billboard, etc) of a hypothetical campaign on a specific topic in which you have personal interest with the intent on changing a specific behavior. I would suggest thinking about the specific target audience, messages, channels, public policies, and possible theoretical frameworks we have discussed in this class when planning your artifact. For example, communication practitioners:

Partition a target audience into segments with different sets of knowledge, attitudes, and skills and thus different orientations toward a specific behavior. For instance, a campaign might segment adults into those who are not considering recycling, those who are considering, and those who are already recycling.

Develop a message to persuade a specific target audience to enact or not enact a specific behavior. For example, a social norms message might try to discourage binge drinking among college students.

Disseminate a message through a channel. Examples of channels include television and interpersonal networks.

Rely on a public policy that supports the desired behavior. For example, the U.S. tax code imposes a fine on adults who withdraw money from an individual retirement account or IRA prematurely.

After you have created your artifact include a small discussion regarding your thought process as to how and why you made the choices you did and what implications you think this would have if this were a real campaign. Also include how you would measure the campaigns success after the campaign were completed if it were real.

This item is hypothetical but should display the use of theory to help change behavior. If possible, try and have some fun with this assignment. It does not have to be perfect but provide enough detail so I can understand what the artifact represents. Here are a few suggestions on how to approach this assignment:

Ensure that you take an opportunity to review the assignment guidance, the grading rubric, and the example found on Blackboard. This will assist you in understanding what is expected of you and help you refine your submission.

Remember, you can create any type of artifact you desire, but it should be clear how the artifact addresses your audience and how it integrates theory in its design/messaging.

Please take some time to define your audience. Very seldom do successful campaigns target all adults, or all youth. Individuals of different ages, races/ethnicities, geographic locations, etc. have different motivations, attitudes and perspectives on a behavior. These audiences also have different tastes in media. Please define and understand who your audience is based on relevant demographic characteristics. You can accomplish this by doing research. This is a critical element of the assignment.

Your decisions should be grounded in peer-reviewed research. You should not assume to know what attitudes or beliefs your audience have. You should use research to identify this information. This research should be recent (within 10 years) and the subjects of the studies should reflect the characteristics of your audience (similar age, race/ethnicity, culture, geography etc.). Additionally, ensure that your research is directly related to the behavior you are seeking to change, and not a related issue.

Please remember to utilize the proper APA format for the assignment. I use the APA guide (7th Edition) when grading papers, so please use other sources sparingly unless you’ve determined that they fully reflect the updated APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Be Smart, Eat Smart
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Be Smart, Eat Smart
Parents are the gatekeepers of dietary norms and the foods and beverages consumed by children. Therefore, finding innovative and effective ways of attracting their attention to the need to promote healthy and nutritious eating behaviors for their children is critical. Studies show that social marketing campaigns aimed at educating parents on good nutrition and the importance of children consuming fruits, vegetables, and fat-free milk helps reduce childhood obesity.
Health Issue
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report, the prevalence of childhood obesity is 19.3% and affects as many as 14.4 million children and teenagers between 2 and 19 years old. Obesity prevalence among minority children is even higher compared to non-Hispanic White children: the childhood obesity prevalence among Hispanic children is 25.6%, 24.2% among non-Hispanic Black children, 16.1% among non-Hispanic white children, and 8.7% among non-Hispanic Asian children (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). The 2017-2018 CDC report further indicated that the prevalence of childhood obesity was lower among households where the parents were college-educated and income. For instance, obesity prevalence was 18.9% in the lowest income group, 19.9% in the middle-income group, and 10.9% in the highest income group (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021).
Target Group
Middle-income households are most affected by childhood obesity prevalence. Unlike low-income households where food insecurity and poverty are the primary reasons families consume processed foods more than healthy options, mainly fruits and vegetables, middle-income households are not constrained by income, geographic access, or food insecurity. Consequently, educational interventions are likely to be more effective among middle-income families than low-income households because the former have the means to buy what is required to sustain a recommended healthy diet. The “Be Smart, Eat Smart” social media campaign will target middle-income households, which tend to consume fewer fruits and vegetables and more sugar-sweetened beverages. More importantly, the campaign will target minority families since current obesity prevalence statistics indicate that children from these homes are most likely to be unhealthy compared to non-Hispanic white families. The social media campaign will address parents as the gatekeepers of food and drink in families and encourage them to promote healthy and nutritious eating practices among their children.
Campaign Channel
The “Be Smart, Eat Smart” social media campaign will use Facebook as the primary channel to target young parents with children between 2 and 10 years old. Parents, in general, prefer Facebook over other social media channels because it allows them to rekindle past relationships with friends and peers. It is also a family-friendly platform for interacting with neighbors and family, over and above, a parenting tool for mothers who share, post, or comment about their children or households with their extended family instead of viewing or reading content. Facebook is the most used social media channel to receive support and attention from other parents and relatives and respond to their news, whether good or bad. A survey by Pew Research Center shows that 81 of mothers’ use Facebook while 66 percent of a father are regular users of the platform (Rodriguez, 2014).
These percentages are advantageous since mothers, more than fathers, are involved in eating practices in most households. With the right campaign strategy, Facebook is an effective channel for marketing to both mothers and fathers. The “Be Smart, Eat Smart” campaign will begin by creating a campaign advertisement on Facebook and targeting the audience accurately. This involves employing detailed targeting by specifying the characteristics of the typical minority middle-class household in terms of income, education, and relationship status. The “Be Smart, Eat Smart” advertisement will include inspiring photos and graphics of parents preparing a healthy snack with their children. The purpose of including imagery (bright colors and goal-oriented typography) in the message is to boost parents’ confidence and excitement in changing their children’s nutrition practices.
The message accompanying the graphics will highlight childhood obesity as a serious public health issue and why parents, as the gatekeepers of dietary norms, have a duty to raise healthier children despite their busy schedules. The social media campaign will involve daily posts of healthy and simple to prepare meals. Parents will be invited to share (photos and videos) and comment on healthy recipes for chi...
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