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DMS 107 Writing Assignemnt: Metropolis 1927

Essay Instructions:

DMS 107 Grading Rubric:Please be advised that your discussion posts will be graded on the following criteria:(2 pts., 5 pts. for final) Understanding of the readings and notes: The post responds to theprompt. The post shows that the author has synthesized the readings and notes and incorporatedthem into the response. When sources are required, the paper uses them effectively and ethically.(2 pts., 5 pts. for final) Engagement with the films: The post shows in-depth analysis andresponds fluently and creatively to the weekly films by providing specific examples to supportthe author’s stance.(1 pt., 2 pts. for final) Proper use of film terms: The post uses terminology appropriate to film,such as long shot, mise-en-scène, and parallel editing. Additionally, the post refers to charactersand places by name and names directors, actors, and film release years when necessary.(1 pt., 2 pts. for final) Organization and elegance of expression: The response has an overallpoint to make and sentences stay on topic. Paragraphs stay on topic. In other words, the responseis focused. Also, it shows creativity of expression. Sentence structure varies within paragraphs toachieve various effects. The prose contributes to the persuasive appeals of the post. The writingseems natural and thoughts appear to flow into each other.(1 pt., 2 pts. for final) Following the conventions of edited written English: The response usesproper vocabulary, sentence structure, and additional conventions of edited written English (suchas verb forms and tenses, correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling). There are few to zerogrammatical errors that get in the way of the author’s purpose or the reader’s understanding.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Metropolis 1927
Metropolis 1927
The first scene of the Metropolis 1927 is about a group of workers that are walking in a file like robots. Ideally, the scene uses movement to insinuate the element of the workers being brain washed. The workers are seen more in a manner that is symbolic of people that have their rights and life overtaken. The workers’ movement also indicative of the people facing down (Romney, 2010). They walk as though they do not have their own will, in unison. Their composure is lost in the mechanization of movement. The shot selection is also quite unique relative to the fact, the audience are able to see the two lines of procession (Hall, 1927).
The element of decadence and decay is seen in the way that the workers are mechanized. The human nature in them is lost in the quest for capitalism (Abrams et al., 2010). This then brings out the element of conflict between capital and labor. This relative to the fact that the quest to fulfil the capitalism needs while the needs of the people are lost (French, 2015). In this confusion that the individuality of the workers is lost (Bradshaw, 2010). Looking closely at the movement of the workers, they are mechanized in a manner they move in unison. This is a scene that is used to symbolize the loss in the element of individualism as all the workers walk in rhythm...
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