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Find An Interesting Article: Media's Perception On Human Mind

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, professor require visit a news website (e.g., New York Times, WSJ, CNN, etc.) and find an interesting article that reports results from a published research article* that relates to media somehow. Use these two article(I had these articles in PDF) as reference to write an essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Media’s Perception on Human Mind
Institutional Affiliation
The human mind is very active when it comes to the issue of recording something that it has seen. This ranges from what an individual reads as suggested by the news article on fact-checking on Facebook and the issue of photography as depicted in the study of taking photos. Both articles show that the human mind is affected to a certain level and it is difficult to erase what the mind has recorded. One the mind perceives fake news, it is not easy to convince someone into forgetting what they saw. Also, when a person takes a photo, it reminds them of the situation better as compared to someone who did not take photos. As well, various studies have been done to prove the same as it will be discussed in this paper.
News Article Purpose and Study Fit
The main purpose of the article regarding the issue of fact-checking on Facebook to review on the effectiveness of their plan to remove false news was to determine whether the repetition of such news or the exposure to human beings can result to the wrong perception. The main aim of the study was based on the familiarity effect whereby it is difficult to erase something from someone's mind once they have seen it. Therefore, regarding the media, social sites are prone to presenting people with the wrong information. Hence, if not regulated, such information keeps ringing in the individual's mind eliminating the mentality that it was false. As well, by the time the information is corrected, it might already be late thus confusing people more on which of the news they should believe in (Brendan 2017).
About this article, the study done on the effect that taking photos has on human beings is evidence to the fact that once the human mind has been exposed to something, there are very high chances that the person will not forget. The study shows that individuals who take photographs whenever carrying out a certain activity have higher chances of memorizing them as compared to the individuals who just listen to the audio guidance of the activity. Hence, this shows how the human mind has a high ability to record things that someone has engaged with a lot. Also, seeing fake news for the second time enables the person to remember them more as compared to someone who has seen the news once.
Study Details
The study on the effect of photography in distracting someone from the moment involves a lot of studies that were carried out to prove the hypothesis. The first study was carried out on 297 participants. 57....
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