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Respond Two Colleagues Postings About Last Laugh And Metropolis

Essay Instructions:

Respond to at least two colleagues' postings about The Last Laugh and/or Metropolis. I chose Metropolis.

Here are two posting from other students last time.This assignment was done on the basis of last time.

1. Cohen Dylan (Metropolis)

Lang uses instruments such a movement, shot selection, and editing to portray the major themes of the film. Once scene, in particular, establishes these themes through the use of such instruments. For example, when Joh Frederson went off the look for the woman with all of the kids, he is stopped at a working sight where he there is a wide view shot of men working tirelessly on machines that are exhausting hot steam. There is a close up of the thermostat and the temperature is rising rapidly, giving the viewer suspense of what will happen after the full temperature is reached. The men working are all wearing the same clothes and moving simultaneously, creating the sense that they are enslaved there, increasing the loss of individuality of the workers. After the temperature on the thermostat reaches maximum potential, the machines burst out large amounts of steam towards the workers who are fighting endlessly to ensure that they are safe and not burned by the steam. Finally, there is some decay to the workers after the steam is cleared because they seem to be hanging by a thread. Some are being carried out by stretchers while others are relying on one another to be stood up whereas before, they were moving in order with no problems.

2.Tracy Nicholas (Metropolis)

Lang's use of the language of film establishes the major themes in a couple of different ways. The biggest theme I saw while watching the film was the tension between capital and labor. Throughout the film, there is a clear difference between the workers and the wealthy. Lang consistently shows the workers either with their heads down or with their backs to the camera, you never see the faces of the workers. However, the wealthy are shown independently and you can see their face. One scene that describes how the language of film develops the thematic concerns of Metropolis is the scene where Freder takes the place of the worker and mans the machine. In this scene, you can see the huge gap between the workers and the people that live at the surface. It shows the worker in shock at the way that Freder lived, especially when he was in the taxi. You can finally see the face of the worker and while he is being driven he goes into a trance where he sees images of women and people playing instruments which are perks of being part of the wealthy. Freder, however, sees just how bad it is to be a worker. He worked 10 hours a day, doing the same thing day after day. While Freder is in the depths of the city, the camera only shows his back while he is at the machine and there is less lighting as well. The theme of division between the wealthy and the workers was clearly developed by Lang's use of the language of film.

The last paper title was(How does Lang use the language of film, such as movement, shot selection, and editing to establish the major themes of Metropolis (1927)—decadence and decay, the tension between capital and labor, and the loss of individuality in an increasingly mechanized world? Analyze one scene (other than the ones discussed in this week's lecture) to describe how the language of film develops the thematic concerns of Metropolis.)

The scoring standard has been uploaded, please complete according to the scoring standard, otherwise there may be no score.I won't accept the extension。ty!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institution of Affiliation
Cohen Dylan
Looking at your answer the question has been well answered and you have tackled all the parts of the question. Just to emphasize more on your postings, the movements of the workers indicates a situation of busy work. They are very busy working for their masters emphasizing the concept of capitalism and labor taking center stage. They are utilized by their masters for their best interest and they do not care about their welfare. This further emphasizes the theme of slavery among the workers as indicated they are wearing uniforms. The wide view shot of the workers indicates the magnitude of the slavery concept. The ...
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