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Discussion: Domains and Dimensions of Global Studies

Essay Instructions:

You are to read the second pillar of global studies: transdisciplinarity to answer the following discussion question. Select related news articles or peer-reviewed scholarly articles to strengthen your answer to the below question.

The discussion question's answer should not be shorter than 2 paragraphs and not longer than 6 paragraphs. You must copy and paste the link of the news articles or scholarly articles you have found to answer your question.

Discussion Question: What are the domains and dimensions of global studies? Pick one area and provide recent events or research to give an example.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Global Studies
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What are the domains and dimensions of global studies? Pick one area and provide recent events or research to give an example.
Global studies is the study of the interconnectedness of issues that transcend national and international boundaries. Global studies is dedicated to the exploration of the many dimensions of globalization and other transnational phenomena. Scholars define dimensions of globalization as; ecological, economic, cultural and political with ideological aspects underpinning each category. The economic domain entails the processes and practices that are centered on the production, use and management of resources. Ecological domain refers to the intersection of social and natural environment. This domain explores how human activities affect nature and how to ensure sustainability of natural resources. Political domain refers to the expansion and growth of human interrelationships that define parameters of social power. Cultural domain details the practices, beliefs, norms, claims and discourses that define a people and how they interact with other people who have different approaches to those elements.
One of the globalization dimensions is environmental. Humans have to exploit natural world for survival. However, there has been sufficient evidence from the scientific community that our natural environment exploitation is affecting its sustainability. They key issues that have been found to drive climate change is release of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels and animal farming which produces methane gas. These gases have a greenhouse effect and reflect outbound solar rays back to the earth’s surface leading to increase in temperature. Many suggestions have been fronted on how to exploit natural environment sustainably. Since ther...
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