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Important Aspects Seen on Spider-Man Video Game

Essay Instructions:

The best topic is to discuss the current popular video games such as League of Legends.

Synopsis: For this assignment, you will select ONE mass mediated text (i.e., film, television show, advertisement, video game, song, literary work, magazine, newspaper, internet site, etc.), research it, and write a 1,000 word critical analysis (approximately 4 pages) of the text that utilizes one of the theoretical perspectives explored in class (i.e., Marxist, organizational, pragmatic, rhetorical, cultural, psychoanalytic, feminist, queer, reception, sociological, erotic, or ecological). Your chosen media artifact should be no more than 2 years old (e.g., distributed no earlier than September 2018).

Note that there are sample student essays of this sort in the Appendix of your textbook. There is a sample for each “lens” covered in class, so review to these, if you need inspiration. There is also an FAQ guide for this assignment included in OneDrive.
In terms of structure and general content, your paper should include, at a minimum:
1. A paper that begins by being properly formatted in accordance with APA 7 guidelines, including a proper cover page.
a. A resource for this style guide can be found here: https://owl.excelsior.edu/citation-and-
2. A cjisipflrasraph introduction in which you:
a. introduce your media text;
b. comment upon its significance as an object of study;
c. formulate a clear and concise thesis statement (i.e., identify what your text is doing and how it is doing it); and
d. preview your argument/paper.
Generally, a good academic introduction will orient the reader to the theory being used, offer a claim (i.e. a thesis) to be supported, suggest why that claim matters, and will briefly explain how your chosen theory will ultimately support the claim you offer.
3. A development paragraph that orients your reader to your chosen media text. Do not assume your reader is familiar with the media you have chosen. Offer a brief synopsis and related background information to ensure your reader understands what media object you have chosen and why it is relevant.
A development paragraph usually follows the introduction, taking a “step back” to use narration and/or description to “show” your reader the media object before you begin analyzing it. For example, if you choose a film, don’t assume your reader has seen the film.
4. An analysis of vour text using relevant principles discussed in class and the course readings. The goal of this section is to combine theory and astute critical observations effectively, applying relevant theory to a contemporary media object. This is the body of your paper and should constitute the largest portion of the essay (i.e., several paragraphs).
The body should be a series of paragraphs organized around major themes or aspects of the theory and/or media object under examination. Your essay need not be a “5-paragraph” essay; rather, your essay should have as many, or as few, paragraphs as needed to address the major points of your claim. Each main point should have its own paragraph, constructed around some specific aspect of your argument, theory, and/or media object, applying theory to a specific example. Your paragraphs should have a logical flow, and you are not encouraged “hard breaks” (e.g., subheadings) to organize youressay.

5. A critical conclusion in which you briefly reflect on the implications of your analysis. This might include speculating about the role your text plays in political affairs, processes of socialization or interpellation, or North American culture generally.

An effective academic conclusion does more than merely summarize or list what has been said in the essay, and it never simply repeats the introduction. Rather, this is a space to emphasize the points that have been argued in a way that shows the reader why those points and that argument are important. Ask yourself, “What is at stake in this analysis? Why does this matter?” Then, provide your answer for your reader in the form of a conclusion.
6. A bibliography formatted in accordance with APA 7 standards. Your essay, and thus your bibliography, should contain no fewer than three academic sources (i.e., sources from academic publishing houses or peer-reviewed journals) in addition to the course text, as well as proper citation for your media object, and any other resources used in constructing your essay.
Your academic sources can focus on the media text you’ve chosen (e.g., many popular films, television shows, and entertainment genres have been written about in scholarly journals), on the theoretical lens you have chosen, or on both of these. If you are unclear on what constitutes an academic source, you are encouraged to speak to our research librarian in the campus library, who can help guide your research. You can also check the refereed (i.e. “peer reviewed”) status of journals via Ulrich’s Web. For example, the “referee” shirt next to this entry for the Journal of Media and Ethics demonstrates that this is an appropriate scholarly source:m  >1 2373-69S2 United Slates Active 1 Inllaai Clalaa Journal  Journal MnIP c  m Journal of Mcdu Elhm Routiedge Rout) edge |i3M*//ZB Unlleo Mliet ACUVS  United SUtM Active Journal Ma
Academic Integrity: Please see the syllabus to understand how this course uses Turn It In to evaluate the originality and authenticity of student work.
Grading Rubric: The critical essay will be assessed on comprehension of chosen media theory (25%), correct application of theory to a media object (30%), use of appropriate scholarly/academic resources (25%), correct citation in APA 7 format (10%), essay formatting that conforms to APA 7 guidelines (5%), and overall quality of writing (5%).
Length: 1000 words of text in the essay, plus a separate title page and bibliography.
Format: Please follow APA 7 citation and style guidelines. A comprehensive guide to this format can be found here: https://owl.excelsior.edu/citation-and-documentation/apa-stvle/ . Incorrect formatting and citation will result in a point deduction of up to one full letter grade (10 points).

Content:Can I focus on a broad franchise (e.g. the Batman series of films! or a corporation (e.g. Disnevl rather than a specific media object?

If you want to take on a franchise or corporate entity broadly (note: this is generally with reference to Marxist analysis), you can do that, though I’d strongly recommend focusing on one particular representative media object from that broader category, to ensure you’re being precise with your claims. Use that single example of the larger point your want to make.
Do I have to apply every single term in the textbook related to mv chosen theory?
You do not need to use every aspect/term of your chosen analytic lens. Only use what is applicable - and it is fine to focus on a particular set of concepts within a theory, as long as you’re demonstrating a clear and precise understanding of that form of analysis. If there are related issues/terminology, you must show your reader you are aware of these (e.g. race and gender representations in media often end up relating to stereotypes, so you’d want to employ that terminology to show your reader that you’re aware the concept applies).
I’ve noticed that X and Y theories really fit well together and help me support the argument I’m trying to make when used in light of one another. Is it okav if I use more than one theory?
If bringing two theories together (e.g., Marxist analysis and cultural analysis, feminist analysis and psychoanalytic analysis) helps you make the best and strongest argument possible, then I will approve that, as long as you approach me or our TA about it first to gain approval. Just be sure that you’re focusing on the parts of the theories that work together in this way, so that your paper doesn’t become too broad.
Can I be critical of X theorv/analvsis/etc. in mv paper?
Can I discuss how a media object (show. film~> displays or makes use of a particular theory (for context: this latter question came from a student who wanted to discuss critiques of corporatism and profit maximization in an anime series V?
You can write from any perspective you want, as long as you are employing and applying a course theory correctly. It's your claim to make and support through argumentation and analysis. What matters most is that you demonstrate a sound understanding of the theory, and that you can apply it correctly and convincingly to a media object.
Citation, Formatting/Technical Details:
Should our whole essav be in APA 7 format, or iust the bibliography?
Your entire essay - from cover page to formatting to in-text citation and bibliography - should conform to the APA 7 guidelines for formatting: hllpa:/V-flwl.excel5iQr.edu/citatiQn-and-dQCumentatiQn/apa-style/
I’m X words over length. Is that a problem?
You should do your best to keep your essay to 1,000 words, with proper margins and spacing. As long as the overage not excessive (around +200 words), you will likely not lose marks for this.

The caveat here is that it must be absolutely clear to your reader that the extra space was necessary for you to make your argument as strong as it can possibly be. If the paper is wordy, repetitive, or hasn’t been properly edited for conciseness, then the overage may result in a loss of points.

Note that essays significantly under length (950 words or less) will be heavily penalized.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Spider-Man PS4 Video Game
Spider-Man Video Game
The Spider-Man PS4 is an action and adventure video game that was released in October in the year 2018. The Insomniac Games Company developed this game which was then published by the Sony Interactive Entertainment. As an object of study, the Spider-Man video game depicts a society in New York City where the people are continuously disturbed by criminals. Under the leadership of Mister Negative, the criminal underworld in New York City threatens the peace of the people as there is a plan to release a deadly virus. It takes the intervention of Spider-Man for the city to be protected and saved from the criminals. This video game is significant in that it portrays the interactions, functions and conflicts that take place within the setting of a society. Based on this therefore, this paper seeks to analyze the Spider-Man video game from the sociological theoretical perspective while focusing specifically on the sociological theories of structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism.
The Spider-Man PS4 video game can be understood best from the sociological perspective considering that the behaviors and attitudes of the people portrayed are influenced by their social backgrounds and their interactions within the social groups to which they belong. In this game, New York City is shown to be troubled with issues of crime including political corruption that is mainly committed by the villain Wilson Fisk and his followers. Through the actions of the N.Y.P.D and Spider-Man who also lives as Peter Parker in his normal life as a civilian, Wilson Fisk’s criminal empire is brought down. Peter Parker is given a suit, which when worn makes him Spider-Man with the ability to go against the toughest criminals. However, the New York people cannot celebrate yet because a new villain known as Mister Negative or Martin Li, rises together with his empire called The Demons and replaces Fisk. With the new villain threatening to release a deadly virus upon the people of New York, Spider-Man does everything in his power to ensure that the villain is confronted and the city protected.
The New York City portrayed in the Spider-Man video game can be understood from the sociological perspective of structural functionalism. According to the sociological structural functionalism theory, there are some institutions in the society whose main function is to promote and ensure social order (Laluddin, 2016). In the case of the video game, the N.Y.P.D and Spider-Man can be said to be representatives of this institution since they are seen fighting to protect the society from any acts of crime. In addition, functionalism believes that members of a society need to have collective conscience and shared values in order to be able to maintain order. When these two aspects are not shared by all people in society, then misunderstandings are bound to happen. This is true in the Spider-Man game where there is no collective conscience or shared values and this has led to conflicts between the opposing sides. Specifically, Spider-Man and his friends represent the good side and do everything to uphold societal values of peaceful and harmonious living. However, on the other hand, crime lords such as Wilson Fisk and Mister Negative have no regard for these values as they are seen engaging in corrupt and criminal activities that disturb the peace of the society. T...
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