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Discussion: Theories on Globalization

Essay Instructions:

Read chapters 1, 2, and 3 and answer the following discussion question. Select related news articles or peer-reviewed scholarly articles to strengthen your answer to the below question.

The discussion question's answer should not be shorter than 2 paragraphs and not longer than 6 paragraphs. You must copy and paste the link of the news articles or scholarly articles you have found to answer your question.

Discussion Question: Explain the difference between Anthony Giddens and Martin Albrow's theory on globalization and provide examples from current news or research.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Theories on Globalization
Globalization refers to the process where people, companies, and governments from different parts of the world interact and integrate (Bodislav et a., 2015). Anthony Giddens views globalization as an agent of development bringing different changes that shape society. He believes that globalization affects firms, societies, and people's personal lives. The effects of globalization, according to Giddens' argument, form a hierarchical pattern. People affect transnational corporations and local firms' value chains of the respective industry. People also belong to a society where transnational corporations influence people's quality of life through time. The multinational firms form global industry value chains to meet their set objectives that influence our global society in the long term and short term. In his theory, Gidden describes four other globalization dimensions. They include world military order, the world economy, and the international division of labor and nation-states. Gidden believes that innovations in goods and services change the quality of life of people. Similarly, Giddens says that the growth of ICT strengthens the civil society through citizen participation, which improve that further improves the some
Martin Albrow, on the other hand, believes that globalization is a new age that had supplanted modern and post-modern ages. According to Albrow (2000), globalization has brought everything in the world into a single world society. Albrow, therefore, believes that globalization has done away with modernity and other factors related to it. Unlike Giddens, Albrow does not believe in globalization having different globalization dimensions. Albrow describes a society that has dissolved all the other human values. For example, the recently concluded elections in America affected the whole world (Ferrara et al., 2020). It was a matter of global interest because...
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