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Critical internet analysis Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

My requirement is that you must find 10 journal article peer reviewed, you must actually use these sources and provide me with the paragraphs in the original text.

Please be sure to paraphrase the real references and those references must be journal articles. Our teacher is very strict. and please provide these references to me. (pdf)

for example, i am boy (jack, 2010). If i can't find any evidence about "i am boy" in Jack's article. I will get a big trouble.


ARIN 2610 Assignment 3 tip sheet


Critical internet ecology analysis

Weighting 45%   1800 words   Due Friday November 20th Week 12



Please follow the structure (7 questions) and please have a look at example


In this assignment, you will profile and critically analyse the transformative effect of an internet service, platform, company or group in economic, political social and/or cultural terms. Please choose an entity related to one of the topics we have studied this semester. You will also map, using a diagram, the online ecosystem that this entity is part of.

Using theoretical concepts from your readings and independent research, you will situate this entity historically, economically, politically and culturally within its internet ecosystem and discuss how its products, services and strategic promotions have been used in transformative ways e.g. to alter business models online, to change the way that people relate socially and/or politically, or to help mobilise social or cultural change.

The company may be a social networking service, a social media or social management company or agency, a games developer or digital arts collective. In your analysis will define the type of entity and its role as an agent of internetworked change.  You will give a historical overview of its development, analysis of its ownership, business model and research agenda, and discussion of any political or regulatory debates that it figures in locally and internationally.

You will also produce an infographic (a flowchart or other diagram) showing how this company is interdependent with other competitors, clients, service providers and regulators or watchdog bodies. This is your ecosystem map.

We’re expecting that in your critical analysis you will use theoretical concepts from your readings and independent research, giving weight to evidence from peer reviewed sources like journals, reports and books.


provide a bibliography of all referenced works and should include at least 10 academic bibliographic references, not just media articles.  


Choosing the entity:


The entity whose transformative effect you analyse might be may be a social networking service, a social media or social management company or agency, a games developer or civil society group. In your analysis you will define the type of entity it is (eg. social media platform, games platform, online accommodation service, video streaming service), and discuss its role in transforming our internet use and our world.


Structuring the analysis: 


1. Introduction: What is the company or entity you have chosen to analyse, and why has it had a transformative effect on our use or understanding of the internet and our economic, political, social or cultural worlds?


2. What type of an entity is it, what is the history of its development and how has it come to have such a transformative effective?


3. Who owns it and what is its business model?


4. What is its place in its industry or social ecology? Does it work with partners?  Does it have competitors? Who supplies it with goods or services?  Who regulates it?  Who uses it?


5. Draw a diagram that shows these actors in relation to each other.  Use Word Smart Art (you will find this under the Insert menu) to create a flowchart or other diagram.


6. How is this entity transformed our use or understanding of the internet? How is it innovative? (you may have two or three points to make here).

  • Has it changed the way people relate socially and/or politically?

  • Did it introduce a new type of business model online?

  • Has it been used to mobilise social or cultural change?

  • Has it triggered new regulatory processes?


7. Summary – how has this entity been part of an Internet transformation, changing some aspect of the way we live, work or play?



Marking criteria:


The Critical Analysis should demonstrate:

  • a critical understanding of the history, politics, economics and cultures of the internet and internetworked technologies

  • awareness of social & cultural issues arising from networked change

  • skills in web writing (chunking, lists, SEO practice, effective and appropriate use of anchor link words)

  • skills in web and social media production (use of relevant, illustrative multimedia content; correct attribution of all images including third party content; infographic showing relevant internet ecosystem; all titles, captions, and alt text on images uploaded)

  • capacity for independent academic research, analysis and critique

  • clarity of argument & depth of research

  • presentation (meets word count; accurate citation and referencing; correct spelling, punctuation and grammar)


When you have finished posting your essay on the blog, please upload a Word version of your essay via the Assessment 3 Canvas assessment link. If any plagiarised or ghost-written material is detected you will receive no marks for this task.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is critical analysis?

  • Be skeptical of claims made by companies for their technological innovations

  • Break down the claims made for the technology and evaluate them

  • Be aware of the history, the ownership and the political economics of this technology

  • Consider how the utopian potential and the dystopian problems are framed

  • Are there questions about the utility or feasibility of this innovative company?

  • Be aware of the power relations this technology sets up – who benefits and who doesn’t? Who is excluded or marginalised? What are the regulatory issues at stake in the transformations this entity has triggered?

  • Make your own judgements, based on evidence.


How do I create my ecology diagram?

Microsoft Office Word has a feature called Smart Art, which you’ll find under the Insert menu.  This allows you to create all kind of diagrams. Use the one that best suits your purpose. For example, you could use a circle that shows that each actor is connected. You could also add text to show what business relationship they have with each other, although this is a little tricky depending on the type of diagram you choose.













Don’t forget to identify each type of associated actors and, where you can, the key brands – especially when they are competitors.  You do not have to name each actor in your essay…but you will mention some of them as part of your analysis.


You should place your ecosystem map where it is most appropriate in your essay.


What is an ‘actor’?

This is an entity that acts to change things in the world.  In your assignment it is a company or group or person that takes action to change the way we use the internet and the way we live work and play.


Your essay should cite academic research including journal articles, reports and books. Media articles are allowable citations but will not be weighted as highly as peer reviewed academic scholarship.


You must appropriately attribute and link all sources cited or quoted. Your essay will include a hypertext reference list, in APA style with doi (digital object identifier) numbers for journal articles, reports and other documents, where these are available.


How do I cite different kinds of source material in the essay?

Cite any publicly accessible media articles, reports and other publicly accessible documents as embedded links.  However please include the full reference in your reference list.

Cite journal articles and books that readers cannot easily access using standard academic, (author, date) in-text citation.  If you use quotes from journal articles or books include the page numbers.


Do I make my essay post public or private?

Keep your essay in draft form until it is submitted, when you can hit publish.


How do I hand this assignment in?

You will do two things. First you will post it on the class blog. That way we can access all the links that you integrate into your essay. Then you should also save a Word file version, with a screenshot of any video material included in the essay and a URL to that material listed in your story. Please upload this Word version to the Canvas assessment 3 area.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Internet Analysis
Student’s Name:
Unit Name & Number:
Date of Submission:
Critical Internet Analysis
Uber has grown to become a global giant in using the internet platform to facilitates its vehicle hires, food deliveries, couriers, and freight services. It uses technology and internet transformation in the travel, food, and logistic sector. After mastering innovative logistics models, especially for passenger transport, Uber Inc applied the same concept to shipping and developing new applications such as UberFreight and UberRush (Blystone, 2018). The applications make it possible to eradicate transport brokerage firms and transport companies, thus helping companies save on commission fees. They created a digital platform that connects both parties, thus providing flexibility, increasing efficiency, and cost reduction. I will discuss the overview of the company in the first part, then analyze the company's historical development, business models, its social ecology, and the company's use of the internet.
Company Overview 
Uber Technologies, Inc. is a technology company which offers a digital platform for people and mobility thing. It offers multi-modal restaurant and food delivery services, logistics, and connecting shippers and freight carriers. The company was founded in 2009 by Oscar Salazar Gaitan, Garrett Camp, and Travis Kalanick, its headquarters is located in San Francisco, CA. in 2019. It generated $14.1 billion in revenues and enjoyed a 67% market share in the Rides segment in the United States. The company has employed a total of 26,900 employees in all its subsidiaries.
It operates in various segments such as Eats, Rides, Freight, ATG, Other Bets, and several other technology programs. The Rides segment consists of digital products that connect clients with Rides drivers who provide passenger rides using a variety of vehicles depending on the choice of the consumer (Hartmans et al., 2016). The Eats segment offers a platform for clients to search for eateries and restaurants to order a various meal and to request delivery or pick it up. The Freight segment connects shippers with carriers and provides transfer pricing, carriers up front, and a platform to book for shipment anywhere in the globe. The Other Bets segment offers a platform for multiple investment stage (Alpert, 2020). The ATG segment is mainly mandated for commercialization and the development of independent sharing of rides and vehicle technologies. 
Historical development
After its establishment in 2009, the company grew to become the highest valued company. The Uber story began in 2008 when two friends Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanick met while attending an annual technology conference known as LeWeb. In 2007, both men had sold the start-up they had co-established for a considerable amount. The concept of developing Uber began at the conference when the two friends were unable to find a ride to the venue. They decided to form a company called UberCab. The new company made a splash in San Francisco by allowing letting people hail a car with a smartphone, and since then the UberCab snowballed, and the company is now called (UberDeep, 2015). The company has established itself globally is spreading like a bushfire. UberCab became the connectivity portion of the company, and the company-client dynamic was introduced. All riders were required to open the application on their mobile phones, tap a button, and then locate an affordable ride within a few seconds.
In 2014, Uber introduced UberPool, a model of sharing ride that allows for pooling together their ride and sharing the fare among multiple riders' parties. In 2015, it introduced UberEats, which provided a platform to its customers with an experience of food delivery. Uber has, over time, fought its competitors and as well as regulators because it has transformed from being a black-car service into an extensive business empire expanding into various markets using technology. It has ventured into both and food and self-drive cars. The company has endured backlash from its users and drivers, challenged threats from the taxi industry, and battered internal conflicts and scandals, which included the ouster of the former CEO.
  Business Models
Uber is an application installed in a smartphone that provides convenient service to potential users. Therefore, it connects willing passengers who require ride services to taxi drivers. The taxi drivers are not provided with cars but instead, use their cars to offer the passenger ride services. Uber company gets some percentage of the amount paid by the users. The entire process is simple because potential users are linked with a taxi at their convenience using the Uber app on smartphones (Angrist et al., 2017). The available uber driver will be dispatched to his preferred location, and the user will be assisted to reach his or her destination. The user's credit card is used to settle the payments online.
Currently, Uber is present in about 200 cities across 55 countries and is rapidly expanding its business. Some users in some specific cities can use the platform to call an ice-cream truck, and users in some cities can call an ice-cream vendor to buy ice-cream, and some can even request a helicopter ride.
Summary of the model in a nutshell
The Taxi Driver - Anyone with a car and a valid driving license can apply for an Uber driver in Uber covered cities. The driver is then listed in the system and given an Uber iPhone.
The Passenger – users download the app to their phones, and when they need a ride, they call a taxi via the app and can track the cab on their smartphone as it comes. It provides convenience and low-cost comfort service.
Payment – the company sets the fares for all routes which fluctuates depending on-peak and off-peak hours. The users pay online via credit cards hence don’t have to pay cash to taxi drivers. The fare is determined based on the type of car, peak hours, and distance. The Payment has been made secure because the payment system is in the Uber app and only through credit card. 
Profits. The fare is divided between the company and Uber drivers. 80% goes to the driver and 20% to the company. Taxi drivers can earn more compared to traditional taxi drivers even after the 20% cut in some cities. Uber has reduced its percentage to counter the taxi competition from companies such as Haio and Lyft in those cities.
At the moment, Uber does not own any taxi cabs hence the company can report more profits, going forward, Uber needs to increase their funding in research and development to obtain more innovative solutions to accelerate future growth. Although the initial amount is modest, it is justifiable that it would affect its profitability. Besides, increasing lawsuits and other regulatory and legal issues are likely to increase their costs. Uber's growth opportunities are many, and because it is already present in over 55 countries and 200 cities, it is projected that it will progress to many more cities ...
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