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Deepfake Technology: Benefits, Challenges, and Recommendations

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment you will write the opening section of your Trends paper and outline your benefits, challenges and recommendations section. Be sure to start by reviewing the guidelines for the final Trends paper assignment. Then...

1. Create a title page, header, page numbers, and References page in APA style.

2. Write a one or two page opening section of the Trend paper that:

Defines the trend.

States the purpose of the paper (This might be a sentence like: "This essay is designed to support social media strategists who want to understand how to use TikTok to promote new product launches.")

Indicates the reader/audience (Who will benefit from reading this essay - remember you writing to a particular group of communication professionals - notice how the example above accomplishes both the purpose and audience tasks).

Explains why the trend is currently important in communication practice.

Gives some historical background on the trend.

Includes some real-world examples of the trend.

Explains some of the implications of the trend for engagement, relationship building, integrating content, linking channels, and personal/organizational branding or other practice goals.

3. Create a one or two page outline of the remainder of the paper. Your outline should look something like this:

I. Benefits of the trend




II. Challenges of the trend




III. Recommendations for communication practitioners




Note: your outline does not need to be well-written, edited or proof-read. You don’t even necessarily need to use full sentences. There should be enough information for me to be able to give you feedback and for you to use this opportunity to map out the remainder of your Trends paper. For each element of the outline try to include the evidence or example you will use to support your claim in the final paper. Include examples for most of the claims in your outline.

4. Include a minimum of 4 sources in the Reference list. Be sure to identify the source of all factual information or ideas not your own.

5. Be sure that your submission reflects any feedback you received from your topic paper submission.

Rubric for Trends Paper Outline

1. The opening clearly identifies one current trend in communication practice, defines the trend, and explains the current importance of the trend in the larger culture. The intended readers are clearly identified and the paper's value (purpose) is clearly stated. The historical source of the trend is explained and a preview of the paper is provided.

2. The submission and references are formatted effectively in APA format, the writing in the opening paragraph is proofread and edited to a professional standard. It is clear and the argument makes sense.

4. The outline section of the paper is complete and shows a commitment to use evidence and examples to support your claims.

Total. 12


My topic for this trend paper is "deep fakes", You may have heard of these. "Deep Fakes use artifical intelligence to create videos or images to stage events"(https://www(dot)theguardian(dot)com/technology/2020/jan/13/what-are-deepfakes-and-how-can-you-spot-them) to make them seem real. They are very difficult to identify and have very serious implications for our political well-being. Please write Trends Outline based on my topic

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name
This essay is designed to help social media managers to understand how deepfake technology can be beneficial and detrimental to society. A deepfake can be a video, audio, or image of an individual that has been altered digitally to be used to spread false information, in entertainment, or maliciously.
Social media managers are communication professionals that help individuals or organizations to present themselves appropriately on social media. They analyze communication patterns on social networking platforms and advise people and companies on how to respond professionally.
Deepfake technology is a crucial trend to understand in communication practice. In particular, it entails using artificial intelligence to make videos, images, or audios of fake events. For example, with this technology, it is possible to come across a video of Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s chief executive officer, bragging about how he has stolen people’s sensitive information on social media (Sample, 2020).
Specifically, deepfake technology was first witnessed in 2017. A Reddit user posted a pornographic video after manipulating the faces of those involved. The video clip swapped celebrity faces, such as Taylor Swift, Gal Gadot, and Scarlett Johansson (Sample, 2020).
In a 2019 CNN Business article, “When Seeing is no Longer Believing,” there is a deepfake video of Barrack Obama (CNN Business, 2019). Indeed, it appears as if he is addressing the nation, but the words he is saying have been manipulated by whoever made that deepfake video.
The deepfake technology has adverse effects on relationship building and content integration on the Internet. For example, it creates a culture of no trust and can make social media users doubt the content they come across on the web. Due to technological advancement, locating a deepfake image or video might be challenging since they look like actual pictures and clips.
When it comes to individual or organizational branding, linking channels, and other practice goals, the deepfake technology can have merits or demerits. People or companies can use deepfake technology to promote their products and link with appropriate channels. In contrast, competitors can use deepfake videos and images to...
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