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Data Management and Knowledge

Essay Instructions:

Topics to cover in the Your Company's Management of Data and Knowledge section include your organization's current use of data management systems (chapter 6), problems and difficulties faced by your organization in regards to data management (chapter 6), your organization's procedures for collecting, storing, managing, and updating data (chapter 6), and types of knowledge management systems currently used by your organization (chapter 11). Your initial post must be at least 550 words

Topics to cover in the Your Company's Use of the Internet section include how your organization is affected by the digital economy and what issues they need to consider in regards to doing business in the digital economy (chapter 1), current messaging and collaboration software and Web 2.0 technologies in use by your organization (chapter 10), and your company's use of e-commerce technologies (chapter 10).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Data Management
Data Management and Knowledge
At crunchy data management systems are used at a subtle level relative to the amount of data that is generated on an hourly basis, at the restaurant, the store, the kitchen and by the mobile units among others (SearchSQLServer, 2015). Given the number of users that have to rely on the same data simultaneously and the productivity rates expected, the company is heavily reliant on the data management systems. Information on suppliers, employees, management, and most of customers is collected, organized and stored to be retrieved on a later time or immediately in a seamless manner.
The company is reliant on online money transfers especially where the clients pay for their foods or beverages online. This has come with a number of challenges relative to the security of the data. Data security is one of the pressing challenges relative to clients’ information and their financial resources. Relative to the high risk of hackers gaining access to financial records of individuals and companies, the restaurant managed has employed specialists in the cyber security realm to make sure that the websites and mobile applications are constantly patched for the latest in malware and exploits by hackers to protect their client and the company’s finances and ultimately its reputation (SearchSQLServer, 2015).
Data collection at the restaurant is done in real time relative to the fact that the services offered are also reliant on timely deliveries. All the stations from the store, kitchen, point of sale and the mobile units are all connected to the main server where all the information is stored. Storage is mainly done using the station identifiers, which associate different aspects of data to the specific business process (SearchSQLServer, 2015). At the same time the data stored is also linked to the accounting system especially where there are transactions either with the clients, payment of the salaries, suppliers or any other form of costs and revenues. Every other station has the ability to update the data, but there are different levels of clearance to make sure that there is a subtle element of accountability.
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