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Public Service Announcement (PSA): Advertisement as a Form of Marketing Strategy

Essay Instructions:

Select a Public Service Announcement (PSA) or political advertisement that has not been covered in class for evaluation. This PSA or ad does not have to be current – you are more than welcome to take something that is a historical text. Using the course materials and readings covered so far this term evaluate how the ad or PSA is supposed to work on the audience: who specifically the text is trying to address, what methods they’re using to communicate the desired message to the audience and whether this approach is effective or not. Use your knowledge of the theories covered in class and the course readings to determine whether the PSA or ad accomplishes its goals (whatever those goals may be) and why.

Remember that we have to be able to find the PSA or ad to evaluate your paper. Be sure that, if it isn't readily available on-line, there is a copy of the text included with your submission.

Read additional files and use the theories what is in the files.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ad Analysis
Advertisements are one form of marketing strategy that is employed by businesses. There are multiple reasons as to why businesses use this strategy to market their goods and or services. For some, it is about creating awareness of the existence of a product and or service. For others, it is about increasing sales by countering similar and equally competitive brands in the market. Regardless of the purpose for advertizing, advertisements tend to be tactical with an aim of maximizing their objective.
When advertising, the real intention is to give customers a reason to purchase a product which they are otherwise not interested in or have no need for. The key element in any advertisement is the convincing and persuasive power (Shimp, 2013). It involves getting the money from the pockets of customers without any coercion.
When designing an advert, one of the factors of consideration is the audience. The targeted people by the advert determine the particular strategy to be employed. An advertisement targeting the young people would not be similar to one targeting the elderly. It is also crucial to consider the perception, beliefs and taste of the audience (Shimp, 2013). The designer of an ad must question themselves, how will the audience perceive the advert the first time they look at it? These among other factors are key determinants of a successful advert. In this discussion we will explore one of the adverts that have run in the past. The purpose is to analyze the advert and find out the following; who is the target audience in the advertisement, what is the message in the advert and what are the tactics that have been employed to ensure that the message reaches the audience as intended? Was the advertisement successful?
The Absolute Vodka AD
It has been ranked as one of the successful adverts which have run for a long time. The ad has evolved over the years having various facets throughout the various evolutions of the advertisements. There has been widespread recognition and appreciation of the same. Due to the good strategy used, the advertisement has remained relevant throughout and still continues to evoke excitement among the targeted audience.
Target Audience
The target audience for this advertisement was for all consumers of alcoholic drinks. The intention was to attract them into buying the drink. At the time when the first ad of Absolute Vodka was coined, there was immense competition in the market (Davis, 2010). It was therefore necessary to come up with a campaign ad that would stand out and get the audience to pay more attention. This is exactly what happened as the ad was catchy and very exciting to look at. What would follow then was a series of other ads all of which did not fall short of the expectations of the audience. The specific age group targeted by the advertisement is those above the age of 21 which is the recognized age of majority (Lewis, 2010). Further, a more specific audience is women who are believed to be heavy consumers of vodka as opposed to their male counterparts. It is believed that most men prefer scotch and beers while women go for vodka. Although this is a stereotype that may not necessary be true, it certainly works well towards the women consumers who are likely to be enticed by the fact it is their product.
Key Elements of the Absolute Vodka AD
The Packaging
When designing an advert, it is always necessary to remember that it attracts the visual aspect of the audience. This is especially if it is a print or television advert. As such, it is pertinent that it is attractive to the eyes and is catchy. When an advert is not catchy, chances are that a person will look at it once and ignore it or worse still, they will not notice it (Lewis, 2010). This is a hurdle that the marketing team in Absolute Vodka has successfully overcome. All the advertisements that they have designed over the years tend to be catchy and often cause curiosity. Although based on very simple concepts, the ads of Absolute Vodka are designed in such a way that one has to look at it a second time to get a glimpse of the message.
When designing an advert, it is necessary to incorporate elements that will create an element of permanence. This means that once the audience looks at the ad, the impression created will be long lasting (Shimp, 2013). The audience can talk about it because there is something unique and memorable and this helps create a lasting impact in their minds. Vodka has used very simple but catchy phrases and concepts. Some have been seen to be somewhat controversial yet they have elicited the necessary reaction and impact. The best advert is one that can get people talking and hence will constantly remember the product that has been advertised. Tactful use of words, objects and colors goes a long way in helping to create a good advertisement.
Staying with the Times
Absolute Vodka, having been in the business for many years, has good understanding of the industry and sector. The marketing team understands that it is necessary to stay trendy, stay with the times because that is what today’s generation wants (Lewis, 2010). This explains the constant changes that Absolute Vodka adverts have undergone to remain relevant. Running one similar advert for even one full year is a wrong market strategy. The audience often relates with what is happening around them. It is therefore wise to tailor an advert around current issues.
Keep It Simple
In An Absolute World and Absolute Vegas are some of the phrases that have appeared in Absolute Vodka adverts. More often, marketers forget that it is not the much that you say; it is the depth of what you say even if in a few words. Absolute Vodka often keeps it simple ensuring that the message is very direct and to the point. When the content is t...
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