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Critical Media Literacy – Fake: Searching for Truth in the Age of Misinformation

Essay Instructions:

This is a 500 word minimum essay analyzing the topic of misinformation, disinformation, and "fake news" and the specific documentary "Fake: Searching for Truth in the Age of Misinformation" (PBS video)

Similar to the previous Critical Media Literacy essays, you must utilize the specific 5 steps of the Critical Media Literacy Process (briefly highlight the 5 steps in your essay introduction and then apply them in the main body of the essay.)

Two parts to this essay to be interconnected in your analysis:

(1) Read about the Critical Media Literacy process, mostly in regards to the five steps:

Here is the Critical Media Literacy process from the textbook (does not exactly match the 13th edition of the textbook, but this is sufficient for these assignments):

Critical Media Literacy process (Five Steps)

(2) After understanding the main points & elements of the Critical Media Literacy process, watch the documentary "Fake: Searching for Truth in the Age of Misinformation"

PBS documentary "Fake: Searching for Truth in the Age of Misinformation"Links to an external site.

With these two parts, write up a 500 word minimum essay utilizing the Critical Media Literacy in describing, analyzing, interpreting, evaluating, and engaging with the documentary on the topic at hand.

Do your best to incorporate citations indicating where you getting your info from in regards to the PBS documentary and the Media & Culture textbook (PBS, 2021), (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, p.32-33) or (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, p. 27-28)...you do not need to get the citations & citational info exactly correct (the page numbers from the textbook can be confusing, even for me based upon if you are reading from an e-Book, a physical copy, a PDF, etc.)

I strongly encourage the use of separate paragraphs in regards to these five steps (along with introductory & concluding paragraphs)

In theory, a minimum of seven paragraphs:


Describing the documentary & topic

Analyzing the documentary & topic

Interpreting the documentary & topic

Evaluating the documentary & topic

Engaging with the documentary & topic


I will be grading based upon how well you connect the documentary & overall topic in relation to the Critical Media Literacy process.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Media Literacy
Author's Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor Name
Assignment Due Date
Introduction In "An Introduction to Mass Communication," the authors examine how media and culture affect modern society. This book covers the video's subject, mass media, and marketing  (Campbell, Martin, Fabos, & Becker, 2021). "Fake: Searching for Truth in the Age of Misinformation" by Alex Gibney examines how misinformation hurts people. It examines how people's ideas and behaviours disseminate fake news faster than the truth (PBS, 2020). The film and th book depict modern media and how difficult it is to distinguish fact from fiction in the digital age. Discussion This literary work investigates the complex interaction between media and cultural standards, providing valuable insights. Scholars study media's history, impact on society, and role in information and entertainment (Campbell, Martin, Fabos, & Becker, 2021). The content analysis shows that the documentary examines deception comprehensively. The content in the book and the documentary examine how online groups, or "echo chambers," and cognitive biases spread false information (PBS, 2020). This documentary explores the effects of unchecked information on public dialogue and policymaking. The author devotes much of the book to mass communication analysis, focusing on media, culture, and societal change. From print to digital, mass media is analyzed. This study also explores how socioeconomic factors affect different media channels  (Campbell, Martin, Fabos, & Becker, 2021). On the other hand, "Fake" viewers are urged to use their analytical and evaluative skills to understand reality. It highlights the need for media literacy and independent fact-checking (PBS, 2020). The film makes viewers consider their internet habits and the consequences of sharing controversial content. To understand how the media and society interact, the authors study their effects. Narrative construction by the media shapes individual and group identities and public opinion  (Campbell, Martin, Fabos, & Becker, 2021). The book examines how medi...
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