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Crisis Reflection Assignment 2: 1993 Pepsi-Cola Co

Essay Instructions:

 Write a short 2-3-page essay reflecting on the article. You will want to reflect on the issue at hand using facets of crisis communication you have learned in the course, о You will be graded on content and how well you understand the course material, reasoning and how well you amalgamate the material, о Proper grammar and mechanics is crucial and will be a part of your grade, о You will submit your paper to the Tumitm.com dropbox link within blackboard.


Pepsi-Cola Co was enmeshed in deep public relations trouble when allegations that its products contained syringes and other foreign materials surfaced in the media in Jun 1993. The problem was further exacerbated when the company failed to immediately present its arguments refuting the reports. Contrary to the expectations of Pepsi-Cola's PR department, news coverage of the situation became more extensive as tmie wore on. thus, fueling public alarm. To address the situation. Pepsi released via satellite four video news releases on television providing evidence against the validity of the claims. The media was also invited to the regional bottling plants of Pepsi to conduct investigations. CEO Craig E. Weatherup did his part by appearing on several television programs. The support of both the TBI and the FDA was also crucial in calming down public concern.

Full Text:

Syringes in Pepsi cans? The allegations seemed so absurd, some journalists wondered whether the story was worth covering at all. "I had the impression when this first came out that this was something TV did for sweeps week,'1 recalled Don Smith, city editor at the Seattle Post Intelligencer. "That's how cynical I was."

But, as the country quickly discovered, this was the stoiv that wouldn't go away. First, Earl and Mary Triplett, a couple from Tacoma, WA, said they'd found a syringe in a soft drink can. Then, reports from everywhere else began flooding in: a wooden screw, a broken sewing needle, a crack vial, and a bullet were among the items alleged to have been mixed into Pepsi-Cola products in more than 20 states during a two-week period in June.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Crisis Reflection
Crisis Reflection
On June 1993 Pepsi-Cola Co was caught in a deep public relations trouble. This was a resultant of allegations that its products contained syringes and other foreign materials. The public alarm was fueled by the news coverage of the situation. This was in contrary to the Pepsi-Cola PR department’s expectation. The severity of this crisis needs to be understood and hence revealing who was affected. The purpose of this study is to check what steps Pepsi-Cola Co took correctly and which they took wrongly.
The main facet of crisis communication used to calm down the public concern was Pepsi-Cola use of video new releases. This crisis presented a potential catastrophe. The explanation that bottling processes were not limited to one location seemed irrelevant to the public. Additionally, according to FDA Commissioner David Kessler, the hysteria could not be calmed by a recall. This was proving to be one of the worst public crisis ever which required quick thinking. The fact that Pepsi-Cola could not recall their product, this meant that they had to reassure the public that it was a right move.
What Pepsi-Cola did wrong was delaying and taking the time to address the public. Their vocal arguments against the probability of wedging syringes into cans at bottling plants all over the United States were convincing. But, they would have done better if they could have explained everything on the first day when the crisis started. The perception of this ...
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