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Describe The 2015 Terrorist Attacks In Paris And Beirut

Essay Instructions:

The 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris and Beirut shook the entire international community. Research these attacks, then using the different levels of analysis you learned about in Chapter 1, analyze the potential causes for the terrorist attacks. Identify at least 2–3 factors on each level of analysis that can enhance your understanding of these events.
Individual level: Try to think of the role different individuals played in the attacks, e.g., the terrorists, the police, the French government, etc.
Domestic level: Consider the impact of domestic politics, the state of the economy, the media, public opinion, religion, political ideologies, interest groups, etc.
Interstate level: Identify regional or international influences that may have impacted the terrorist attacks, such as France's global alliances
Global level: How have global factors such as the international media, global communication, the Internet (e.g., social media), international organizations, etc. affected these events?
Which of the levels, if any, do you consider most important in understanding the causes of the attacks, and why?
Essay must be five double-spaced pages using 12-point font and completed in essay format.
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While terrorism has received much attention from the media in recent times following various attacks, this is not a 21st century phenomenon; rather one that has its roots in early political, religious and resistance movements. One of the earlier terrorist outfits is the Sicarii which were Jewish by origin and was founded in the first AD (Roser&Nagdy, 2017). Its goal was largely to resist the Roman rule in the Middle East. The leader of the Zealots, Judas of Galilee, at the time, was one of the key influencers of the Sicarii organization. They believed that only God had the authority to rule over them and therefore the need for resistance (Roser&Nagdy, 2017). However, it is important to note that, since 1997, there has been a spike in the number of incidences. This would explain why there have been a lot of media coverage and anti-terror activities across the world (Barnard, 2015). Some of the most memorable incidences took place in the year 2005, in Paris, France and Beirut, Lebanon. In the two attacks, more than one hundred and fifty people are reported to have lost their lives in the attacks. Hundreds more suffered minor and/or major injuries. At the same time, there were thousands of dollars that were experienced in losses (Roser&Nagdy, 2017). This paper addresses some of the factors that could help understand the events much more, with reference the different levels of analysis; individual, domestic, interstate and global.
The Attacks
The Beirut attack took place on the 12th of November 2015. The attack, which took place on a Thursday is estimated to have claimed more than 40 people. There were two attacks, all of which involved suicide bombers. The attacks are considered to have targeted the Shia majority in the Burj al-Barajnehdistrict. This was the only major attack since another one that took place in January of the same year. The January incident targeted one of the areas within the northern city of Tripoli. The Paris attacks on the other hand took place on Friday, the day after the Beirut twin attacks. This was on the 13th of November, of 2015.The attack took place in Saint-Denis, where the attackers targeted six locations. Outside the Stade de France, where the French President Francois Hollande was watching a match. There was a second and third explosion. The second attack was at La Petit Cambodge and Le Carillon, where gunmen opened fire on civilians. The third attack took place at Café Bonne Biere, where attackers opened fire on civilians as well. At La Belle Equipe, attackers also opened fire. In the fifth attack, however, this involved a bomber at Comptoir Voltaire, while at the Bataclan, the attack involved three gunmen (LibraryCNN, 2016).
Individual Level
There are a number of factors that lead to the massive impact of the attacks and an analysis of the various levels among them are individual, domestic interstate and global that can help establish the causes. At the individual level, one of the factors that can be attributed to the attack in the two countries is the level of organization. The attackers were able to move about and target highly populated areas with relative ease (Karimi, 2017). However, it is important to note that, at the stadium in Paris and in the Beirut, attacks, the attackers had to settle for less secure areas. In the case of the police, the element of providing security beforehand was lacking (Karimi, 2017). This is considering the areas that were hit, did not have ample cover. It was only after they were hit the police showed. This also pokes holes in the security information available prior to the attacks. It is important to note that, most of the attacks will have information pointing to the attacks (McCants, 2015). Acting on the information makes all the difference. The government on the other hand ought to dedicate more resources to security. Considering that, for example, the attackers were able to strike right outside the stadium where the President was watching, is telling (Engel, 2015).
Domestic Level
Under the domestic level, there are a number of factors that have to be considered. One of the factors that contributed to the attacks was the media. The terrorists were counting on the media coverage, especially in Paris attack (Barnard, 2015). The attention that has come from attacking places such as Paris;...
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