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Company Overview: Twitter

Essay Instructions:

For Milestone One, you will develop an overview of a company. This overview will serve as a profile for the company, detailing their daily operations and describing their key characteristics. To begin, you must first choose an organization from the Final Project Subjects document, or you may find your own organization by reviewing a variety of sources. Do not simply do a Google search and settle on the first organization you see. You should conduct a robust search using at least three separate engines or sites. As you explore, take note of the organization’s operations; mission, vision, and goals; key leaders; audiences; and culture.

Next, research the organization and compose a paper with your findings. Specifically, your submission should address how the organization operates; the mission, vision, and goals of the organization; the role of the key leaders in the development and delivery of communications; the organization’s most important internal and external audiences; and the culture of the organization.


Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

Company Overview: Your submission should be drawn from the specific readings in the course material and must include the following:

Provide an overview of how the organization operates from a systems theory approach.

For example, how does the organization operate on a daily basis? On a monthly basis? How do individuals with different roles interact?

Explain the mission, vision, and goals of the organization.

For example, what is the mission statement of the organization? What are the employees expected to follow and abide by?

Determine the role of key leaders of the organization in the development and delivery of organizational communications.

Determine the most important internal and external audiences of the organization and justify your response.

Describe the current culture of the organization.

Your response should be a general description of the work environment and the morale of employees.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Company Overview: Twitter


Institutional affiliation:



Overview of Operations

Twitter, now X, is a global social media platform, that was launched in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Evan Williams, and Biz Stone in California, USA. The founding idea, was to create a platform that allowed people to share “What’s happening” with friends while still maintaining simplicity in access and usage. As such, to this day, communication at Twitter is based on a 140-character limit just like it happens in the simple SMS protocols of mobile communication (Heppermann, 2012). This simplicity in use saw twitter attract users from right from just 140 in day one in 2006 to roughly 353.90 million users as at December 2023 (Tsipursky, 2023). Twitter operate within a systems theory framework, thus recognizing the interdependence and interconnectedness of all of its components. Interconnectedness brings together, users, systems algorithms, developers, moderators, and advertisers who all seek to achieve common goals while responding to dynamic internal and external

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