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Communications & Media
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Communcation Software. Communication and Media: Trello and Wrike

Essay Instructions:

Do a research paper, compare different communication software, we choose the three slacks, trello and wrike, compare their respective characteristics, the part I want to write is the whole trello and half of the wrike, the sources are comprehensive it is good

Note the assignment is the 1.Tool category Research, not the under one


Guest Speakers
on & Participation —..... Presentations
Articles on Blackboard (no textbook)

Course: CCT404H5 Integrative Design Project (SSc)1. Tool Category Research and Comparison
Tool Category Research and comparison
Pick a category. Research it. Provide broad overview of objectives of functionality.
Select 3 vendors and make a comparison of the products and functionality. Submit analysis and be prepared to make a 10 15 minute presentation of your findings to the class
Tool Categories:
- Repositories/Content Mgmt - Unified Communications and Email
- Knowledge Management - Project Management
- Web-conf & telepresence - Business Process Automation & Workflow
- Enterprise search - E2.0 Soc. Media & communities
- Enterprise Information Management & Enterprise Resource Planning
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Tribal Knowledge Apps

Presentations : Feb 6th & 13th Winter 2019
Course: CCT404H5 Integrative Design Project (SSc)2. Mini Assessment
• In groups of 2 or 3, select a company, group, department or team where either you (or one of you) has worked or have an introduction. Perform interviews with participants and research with view of mapping processes and collaboration. Document processes and tools being used. Identify and describe 3 areas where significant improvement could be achieved

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Communication and Media: Trello and Wrike
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Communication and Media: Trello and Wrike
One of the key factors to the success of a business is communication (Evans, at al 2017). It is only through communication that every activity flows smoothly, therefore, to make a successful business there is need to employ a good and dependable communication system (Thill, & Bovee, 2015). With globalization of the information system in the world today various management software aimed to ease communication as well as maintenance of information have been invented. Among the leading business management software include troll and wrike. Despite the fact that Troll and Wrike does the same job to enhance effective information transfer recording, as well as management, they differ on several aspects. In this paper, the disparity between the two software will be discussed.
One of the key disparities between the two software is the tasks managers’ tools. Such a tool is the one responsible for the delegation of work to different workers and jobs (Burian, at al 2017). Additionally, the tool is supposed to monitor work performance of the employees. Wrike have an advanced task manger tool that lets the manager delegate task to different people, set an individual schedule, as well as tracking work progress. On the other hand, Trello has Kanban board which helps one to break a task into cards which are given to different individuals. Unlike Wrike, Trello monitoring can be possible through attachment of the labels and deadlines.
Every manager wants to see how workers are spending their time on a task, this is possible through time tracking. Through this, one can differentiate a lazy worker from the industrious one. Wrike app gives the manager an opportunity to know how long the workers are doing a job through manually added time log entries. Such entries are then recoded into the activity stream and therefore they are visible to the time log view. On the other hand, Trello does not have a time log, however, the software has a number of power ups. These includes the punchtime and paydart, they help one to notice how much time one spends on the board.
The third disparity between the two software is the document management. Sometimes, the amount of paper work being involved in the project management are too much and can be overwhelming with time. Therefore, to truck them becomes challenging for people involved in the project. Therefore, a good project management software should be in such a way that the documents are easily accessible over time (Lientz, B., & Rea, 2016). Wrike has a platform that supports file widgets and a grind responsible for approving and proof reading. Using this app, you don’t have to randomly check on email to retrieve certain files (Finance online, n d). On the other hand, Trello only gives an option of attaching files to cards. Therefore, one can organize files based on the tasks that they are associated with for a short te...
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