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What Should James Do in the Short and Long Term? (Business & Marketing Essay)

Essay Instructions:

You may want to address the following preparation questions:

(1) How well has James managed his global team?

(2) Who is responsible for the HS holding crisis?

(3) What role did the “open work” environment play on this case?

(4) What role did diversity play on this team?

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What Should James Do in the Short and Long Term?
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Question 1
Based on the current situation, it can be said that James’ management of his global team has been underwhelming. It took HS Holdings incident to occur for a second time for him to realize the deeper underlying issues in his team. The one on one meetings he held in the aftermath were long overdue and possibly averted the crisis. However, for someone with no prior experience in recruiting employees from other countries, the team of 45 he chose is well assembled. It aligns itself with Sun’s competitive strategies by tapping into foreign talents that showcase leadership traits.
With such an impressive roaster, it is ironic that the same brilliance is the cause of the downfall of the team. James has the responsibility of containing the egos of the respective teams and make them focus on the main goal which is a collective implementation of Sun’s agendas. To begin with, India’s team was working with a bruised ego. They felt that their input was undervalued, had fewer agenda items and their concerns were last to be addressed. This is further compounded by the fact that they are left to do customer maintenance work. Their French counterparts were frustrated by a 30% difference in their compensation compared to the American team CITATION Nee20 \l 1033 (Neeley & Delong, 2020). The US team was not impressed with the French counterparts either feeling that they are unfairly given a larger share of the work. The UAE team also voiced their dissatisfaction with the company’s interaction with them in this case its representative, James.
Question 2.
Granted, these are situations that can be considered out of a manager control however, it is Ultimately James who is responsible for the HS Holding Crisis. His decisions in managing the team started a chain reaction that would lead to ill-advised decision making across the board. The root of the problem can be traced to miscommunication between the US team and the Indian team. After Praveen’s mishap at contacting Nick, he decided to try and fix the problem with his colleagues in India. This decision is born out of an issue that James should have been aware of between Praveen and Nick. Praveen alleges that Nick has been disrespectful in the past going as far as calling the Indian team incompetent. James is also assumed to be playing favorites with the US team which fuels the differences between the collective team.
James has failed in providing his support to the Indian team through his decisions. The Indian team is always first to be dispatched when there are technical fires like in the present case. However, they wonder why they are not considered for creative decisions despite their expertise. Therefore, Praveen might have seen this as an opportunity for the Indian team to prove their worth. James has worked with Ashok and knows him to be a skilled engineer and manager therefore he understands what the Indian counterparts bring to the team. However, his decisions have not extended faith in their capabilities which has been felt by the Indian team.
It is a hard situation for James to be in because as a manager, even the little tasks like customer maintenance need to be handled. However, he is dealing with individuals that feel their talents are being undervalued consequently playing into their egos. James was therefore supposed to take this into account and ensure that there is a sense of equity across the board. This could be ach...
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