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SWOT Competitor Analysis Essay Example Essay

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Please complete a SWAT analysis of Comcast as a !cable and internet company!. Also, complete the competitor analysis for Comcast and other cable and Internet providers. I need you to include as much data as possible in the article. The data in the article need to be the data between 2014 and 2015.

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SWOT and Competitor Analysis
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SWOT and Competitor Analysis - Comcast
SWOT Analysis
Comcast Corporation, one of the leading companies in the networking and TV industries, has several strengths that have enabled them to remain top-notch and competitive. Right from the start, Comcast has invested quite a lot in ensuring that it becomes a notable brand that is vital in attracting new market segments. Comcast has a diversified business model, majoring in cable television, internet service, Voice over IP, and content production (Gupta et al., 2015), each sector contributing heavily to the its revenue. Comcast secured $68.78 and $74.51 billions in revenue for the financial years 2014 and 2015 respectively (Watson, 2020), courtesy of the diversified brand portfolio. The huge workforce size, comprising of over 136,000 employees as of 2015 (Gupta et al., 2015), enriches the company with highly skilled personnel, strategists, and innovators sufficient in ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction as well as a successful track record. Besides, Comcast has a remarkably strong cash flow, posting a positive growth of 9.5% in FY 2015 (Comcast, 2016).
As much as Comcast Corporation has many points of strength, some weaknesses are notable too. The company tends to be overdependent on one business segment, Cable Tv. The company spent a whopping $9 billion on Tv programming and infrastructure alone in 2015 (Gupta et al., 2015). Comcast is also unaspiring in their acquisition and mergers, evident from their highly anticipated acquisition of Time Warner Cable in 2014 that failed to take effect(Gupta et al., 2015). Comcast investment in emerging technologies is a little below the standard compared to its peers, with an organizational structure that is overly conservative and difficult to accommodate other divergent business models.
There are plenty of opportunities in the industry, and Comcast needs to maximize its strength to unmask these opportunities. The future of the entertainment industry is on online platforms that Comcast and peers have heavily invested in. From the online platforms, the company can leverage other underlying benefits such as big data to get to know the consumers well. With the huge amount of profits the company is collecting from its various services, there comes an opportunity to invest in other businesses not necessarily related to the current to foster diversity. Furthermore, government interventions that lower tax rates, lower interest rates, alter trade and environmental policies also present an opportunity for Comcast and its peers to expand their market reach and venture into new projects.
The push for a greener environment can as well be a threat to the future viability of Comcast. The inability to withstand the intense competition from peers is another key threat. Political temperatures in the global community that has become rampant in the recent past are likely to curtail the operations of global corporations. Some consequences also arise as the company operates globally, and cases of unskilled personnel in some regions inhibit growth. Some countries have stringent trade policies, not to mention the various restrictions that some jurisdictions impose on internet use. As a global business, the varying rate of inflation poses a challenge to the company. Besides, the technology heavily featured in the company introduces the aspect of cyber threats.
Competitor Analysis
As a cable company, Comcast operates under the trade name Xfinity. Its key competitors include Charter Communications, Dish Network, and Time Warner Cable. In regards to reven...
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