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American Homepatient: Health Service

Essay Instructions:

Final Product: Written Proposal on the company American Homepatient Inc based out of Tennesse

In Module Seven, you will submit a written proposal on your selected organization. You will provide an explanation of how the capital budget proposal supports

the operational and strategic goals of the organization. You will be required to explain the value of the capital proposal in consideration of current trends in

healthcare and to provide financial statement support and analysis. The written proposal should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical

elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. The final product will be graded using the Final

Product Rubric

Your written proposal should be long enough to sufficiently cover all necessary material, including key budgetary information and any

external resources used in preparation; however, the number of pages is less important than the content and organization of the report. Your proposal should be

organized logically, as it will be used to convince your supervisor and budgetary board (your instructor) to approve your changes.


HCM 400 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric The final project for this course is the creation of a written proposal. Overview While healthcare organizations differ greatly, managers in various departments in organizations must propose changes to processes, the purchase of new equipment, the addition of employees, and many other changes to executives and boards to obtain approval. For this course, you will place yourself in the role of a manager in an organization of your choice. You are tasked with creating a written proposal that will add value to an organization and will impact the budget. This may come in the form of adding updated equipment, changing a process to become more streamlined, and so on. You will be submitting your proposal to your instructor, who will be playing the roles of CEO and budgetary board, for consideration. This assessment will require you to defend your proposal in terms of the value added and the financial impacts to the organization, as you would need to in the real world. You will select your organization from the following site to ensure that sufficient financial information is available for consideration: https://www.sec.gov/edgar/searchedgar/webusers.htm. You can look for companies by selecting the ‘most recent filings’ link and then search for a healthcare or biotech company. You must confirm with your instructor that the topic or area of interest of your proposal will allow you to sufficiently answer all of the questions in the prompt below. You also have the option of selecting your place of employment, within healthcare, as approved by your instructor. The project is divided into four milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Three, Four, and Six. The final project will be submitted in Module Seven. In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:  Articulate key managerial accounting principles in healthcare using appropriate terminology  Determine financial impacts in healthcare by analyzing major forces affecting the delivery of health services  Utilize financial statements to inform short- and long-term strategic planning  Craft high-level proposals that address budgeting consideration by justifying spending for healthcare services Prompt Your proposal report should answer the following prompt: Considering the major forces in healthcare today, what improvements or changes would you propose for your selected organization? How would your proposal add value to the organization, and what impact would your proposal have in terms of the financial and budgetary considerations? Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed, but the proposal that you are creating may require you to address these aspects in a different order. Please organize your report in the manner that seems the most logical for your topic. I. Introduction A. What are the major forces affecting the delivery of healthcare today? Discuss these forces and their corresponding impacts on today’s healthcare environment. B. Impact of Forces: What healthcare service and delivery opportunities and challenges exist because of the forces discussed above? Define the challenges and opportunities that exist for today’s healthcare leaders. C. Opportunities: Based on your analysis of the major forces, impacts, and opportunities provided, consider the specific organization that you selected. What opportunities exist for this organization, and how do these opportunities relate to the big-picture view of healthcare? D. Proposal: What is your proposal for addressing identified issues or improvements within your organization? In other words, what changes are you trying to incorporate in your selected organization? II. Financial and Budgetary Considerations A. Financial Statements: What financial statements will you utilize in making your proposal, and how will you use these statements? B. Proposal Impact: What impact will your proposal have on the organization’s financial statements? Articulate the impact using appropriate terminology. C. Flexed Versus Fixed: How would your proposal be different if using a flexed budget versus a fixed budget? In other words, how would the use of one type of budget versus the other impact your proposal, and how would your proposal impact the budget? (Evaluate the differences between a fixed and a flexed budget.) III. Proposal Justification A. Ratio Selection: What ratios will you use to support your proposal and why? Select the ratio or ratios that would be the most appropriate. B. Ratio Results: Calculate the selected ratios and articulate the results using accurate terminology. What do the results tell you about the viability of your proposal? C. Short- and Long-Term Impact: Based on your calculations and financial statement analysis, determine the short-term and long-term impact on the organization and the organization’s financials. What is the short-term and long-term financial impact of your proposal for the organization? How can you plan to strategically mitigate the impact on the financials of the company, or how will your proposal help inform strategic planning in the short and long term? IV. Closing Statement/ Conclusion A. Added Value: What value will your proposal add to the organization? Justify the value or improvement your proposal will add for the organization, in consideration of trends in healthcare. B. Justification of Proposal: How appropriate is your proposal based on your financial analysis? Justify your proposal based on the financials and budgetary considerations. If you feel that your proposal is not appropriate given your analysis, explain why, with support of your reasoning. Milestone One: Draft Proposal: Major Forces Milestones In Module Two, you will submit a draft proposal for critical elements located in Section I, parts A and B (see above under Prompt), defining the major forces affecting the delivery of healthcare. You will be required to describe the opportunities and challenges as they relate to healthcare leaders. Additionally, you should include the types of leases that might be considered for financial operations. In your response, consider the opportunities and challenges for today’s healthcare leaders. The format should be a minimum of 2 pages in length. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Rubric. Milestone Two: Healthcare Organization Selection In Module Three, you will select a company within the healthcare industry that you will use later for your capital budget proposal research. You will submit the healthcare organization selection to the instructor to ensure that you are able to attend to each aspect of the assessment. The format should be a 2- to 3- paragraph journal assignment. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric. Milestone Three: Draft Proposal: Capital Budget Item Selection and Opportunities Available for Proposal In Module Four, you will submit a draft proposal for Section I, parts C and D. Using the approved healthcare organization and the information gathered, identify the capital budget item or items that will be used as the basis for the written capital budget proposal. You must include how the proposal recommendations reflect the big-picture view of healthcare. Refer to the Note on Operational Budgeting in Health Care (located in your coursepack) for final project budget guidance. The format should be a minimum of 1 page in length. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric. Milestone Four: Finance, Budget, and Justification In Module Six, you will submit a draft proposal for Sections II and III. You will provide financial statement analyses, profitability ratios, and ratio analyses to support the capital budget proposal formulated in Milestone Three. You will also use financial calculations to support proposal recommendations and to explain the short- and long-term financial impact for the organization. The format should be a minimum of 2 pages in length. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Four Rubric. Final Product: Written Proposal In Module Seven, you will submit a written proposal on your selected organization. You will provide an explanation of how the capital budget proposal supports the operational and strategic goals of the organization. You will be required to explain the value of the capital proposal in consideration of current trends in healthcare and to provide financial statement support and analysis. The written proposal should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. The final product will be graded using the Final Product Rubric. Deliverables Milestone Deliverables Module Due Grading One Draft Proposal: Major Forces Two Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric Two Healthcare Organization Selection Three Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric Three Draft Proposal: Capital Budget Item Selection and Opportunities Available for Proposal Four Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric Four Finance, Budget, and Justification Six Graded separately; Milestone Four Rubric Final Product: Written Proposal Seven Graded separately; Final Product Rubric Final Product Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your written proposal should be long enough to sufficiently cover all necessary material, including key budgetary information and any external resources used in preparation; however, the number of pages is less important than the content and organization of the report. Your proposal should be organized logically, as it will be used to convince your supervisor and budgetary board (your instructor) to approve your changes. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Introduction: Major Forces Meets “Proficient” criteria, and discussion evidences keen insight into the current healthcare environment Discussesthe impacts of major forces in today’s healthcare environment with emphasis on the effect on healthcare delivery Discussesthe major forces in today’s healthcare environment, but not their impacts, or without focus on the effect on healthcare delivery Does not discussthe major forces in today’s healthcare environment 5 Impact of Forces Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into the greater environment of healthcare and the recent challenges and opportunities Accurately definesthe challenges and opportunities faced by today’s healthcare leaders based on the forces in today’s healthcare environment Defines challenges and opportunitiesfaced by today’s healthcare leaders, but with gaps in detail or accuracy based on the forces in today’s healthcare environment Does not define challenges and opportunitiesfaced by today’s healthcare leaders 8 Opportunities Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into incorporating the big-picture views into organizational settings Translatesthe big-picture view of healthcare to the selected organization to identify areas of opportunity Identifies areas of opportunity within the selected organization but without the connective detail to the big-picture view of healthcare Does not identify areas of opportunity within the selected organization 8 Proposal Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into needs and opportunities within the healthcare organization Conceptualizesreasonable change(s) for proposal within the organization based on the identification of opportunities Conceptualizes change(s) for proposal within the organization, but changes are not reasonable or not based on the identification of opportunities Does not conceptualize changes for proposal within the organization 8 Financial Statements Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into the use of financialsfor proposal creation Identifiesthe correct financial statements and information for use in preparing the proposal Identifiesincorrect financial statements and information or misses key financial elements necessary for preparing the proposal Does not identify financial statements and information for preparing the proposal 8 Proposal Impact Meets “Proficient” criteria, and articulation evidences keen insight into the nuanced impacts organizational changes can have on financial statements Clearly articulates how the proposal could impact the financial statements of the organization Articulatesthe relationship between the proposal and the financialstatement, but does not correctly describe the potential impact of the proposal on the statements of the organization Does not articulate the relationship between the proposal and financial statements of the organization 10 Flexed vs. Fixed Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into the financial nuances of fixed and flexed budgetsin healthcare Accurately discussesthe differences between flexed and fixed budgetsin relation to the proposal Discussesthe differences between flexed and fixed budgets, but with gaps in accuracy or not in relation to the proposal Does not discussthe difference between flexed and fixed budgets 8 Ratio Selection Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into the uses and benefits of financial ratios for budget proposal Selectsfinancial ratios appropriate for support of the proposal Selectsfinancial ratios, but they are not appropriate for supporting the proposal Does not select financial ratios 8 Ratio Results Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into the use of ratios and financial terminology in healthcare settings Articulatesthe results of ratio calculations accurately using appropriate financial terminology Articulatesthe results of ratio calculations, but with gaps in accuracy or without use of appropriate terminology Does not articulate the results of ratio calculations 8 Short- and LongTerm Impact Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight into financial and organization impact of proposalsin healthcare Determines accurately the short- and long-term potential impact of the proposal on the organization and the organization’sfinancials Determinesshort- and longterm impacts of the proposal on the organization and financials, but with gaps in accuracy, logic, or detail Does not determine the shortand long-term impacts of the proposal on the organization and financials 8 Added Value Meets “Proficient” criteria and shows keen insight into valuing and justifying proposalsfor organizational improvement Justifiesthe value the proposal will add to the organization with support from trendsin the healthcare environment Describesthe value the proposal will add, but does not justify with support from trends in the healthcare environment Does not describe the value the proposal will add to the organization 8 Financial Justification Meets “Proficient” criteria and evidences keen insight regarding financial needs and justification in healthcare Justifies or denies the appropriateness of the proposal in terms of financial and budgetary considerations Explainsthe financial and budgetary considerations, but does not justify or deny the appropriateness of the proposal in terms of these considerations Does not explain the financial and budgetary considerations 8 Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 5 Total 100%

Essay Sample Content Preview:

American Homepatient Inc.
[date]Delivering health service today is driven by factors that allow them to be of necessary service to patients. The cost of innovation in the healthcare system is also the cost added to the patient's healthcare service. With convenience comes the cost of innovation. The satisfaction of patients also matters in providing healthcare service. It allows monitoring of services whether it is updated or needed some improvement. Technological advancements are also driving forces as they reshape the healthcare service whenever a new medical discovery is found (Smith & Eloff, 1999). Healthcare institutions should consider these factors when deciding on long term investments. These factors help in allowing the institutions to strengthen their operation while being updated on current trends in healthcare. American Homepatient Inc. is not exempted from these factors in deciding on their capital budget proposals. The institution, like many others, carefully choose their investments and budget plans to avoid losing their company's monetary and economic support.
The current trend in healthcare today is more on technological innovations and convenience. Healthcare institutions invest more in updated health technology to improve the accuracy of healthcare services (Smith & Eloff, 1999). Also, more advanced pieces of training and studies are being practiced by health workers to catch up with the current health practices. Being updated in the innovations in the healthcare system is a good investment for institutions. It will establish or maintain an institution's credibility more in the field of medicine (Smith & Eloff, 1999). Also, there will be little probability of health intervention failures with updated technologies and practices. This is the value of the capital proposal in healthcare institutions li...
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