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Week 2. Validity and reliability are the basics of business research.

Essay Instructions:

Using your textbook Field, A. (2013). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics (4th ed.). London, United Kingdom, : Sage.

Answer the following questions: Explain why you would need to consider reliability and validity when conducting business research.

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Week 2 Discussion
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Validity and reliability are considered the basics of business research. According to Andy Field, validity is the degree to which a concept, measurement or conclusion is founded and corresponded to the real world based on probability. Similarly, reliability is the overall consistency of a measure (Field, 2015). A research project can be considered valid and reliable only when it is free from errors and has been accepted by a large number of researchers working in the same field.
In marketing or business research, an expert has to collect data from multiple sources and must ensure that the information is correct and up to the mark. Errors creeping into this process are to be avoided at any cost, and if reliability and validity are not taken into consideration, then it may not be possible to come up with satisfactory conclusions.<...
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